I recently had an issue with my SA Micro-compact not feeding properly and it would also stovepipe on occasion . I contacted S/A and the representative asked for all the requisit information and sent me an e-mail with an RMA and a link to print a shipping label from FEDEX. I printed the label, followed all the shipping instructions and shipped her off to SA. Two weeks to the day, I had my pistol back in my hands with a new extracor, and a new STAINLESS STEEL barrel w/ a polished feed ramp. It came back in a new plastic case and they didn't charge me a dime for ANYTHING!!! New Stainless BBL, extractor and a new case to boot. I knew it had a LIFETIME WARRANTY but it sure feels good to know that sometimes......Sometimes there are companies that EXCEED your expectations. I know where my business will be going when I "need" another weapon.