Sprinfield Armory (S.A.) offered a special deal this year that ended the last week of September, 2001. With the purchase of any M1A rifle they would sell you the S.A. 6x40 Government model scope, rings, and the S.A. third generation scope mount for $99 (normal price around $600 for those three items.)
The problem is - they don't have any, and won't for months. I paid for my rifle on September 8th; I mailed in the receipts and another $99 for the package on September 12th (which was received by them on the 14th). Since then, I have been told three times that my package will ship in 2-3 weeks. I was told that again last week. It's been nearly 4 months now. If it isn't here in three weeks, the Ohio AG is going to get the letter I've written for them. B*stards.