Springfield 1911 A1 9mm....contemplated mod.


New member
I got a new Springfield 1911A 9MM and have a question about trigger pull.

It is VERY crisp. A...tiny... bit of skidgy creep a ...tiny..bit before actual letoff but that doesn't really disturb anything.
Groups very well.

The pull is what ...I.. consider heavi-ER than I'd prefer it to be.

It is shooting well as-is but I'm wondering if any ...kits.. would lighten the pull a bit.

Used to be bullseye shooter but now mostly plinker.

The skosh of TINY creep just prior to letoff doesn't bother me at all.

Any suggestions on tweaking pull weight? I don't have a scale but would guesstimate over 5 pounds.

Familiar with 1911 so I could change either mainspring or sear spring if you think it would be advisable.



(I shot it dry for the first 75-80 rounds and had the expected stiffness and FTFs but normal for a new tight gun. Shot it a bit and then moly lubed the innards and rails and it settled right down into a VERY tight but reliable pistol.)
Saved. I've done triggers on 9411 Win 22 and SAA Colt.
They were simpler with fewer places to consider.

But I have saved that link as a good reference.
It might be if I had all the tools.
I'm such an OLD geezer that I was looking for the fast, down and dirty way.


The SAA and Win were done with a hard Arkansas stone.
GENTLY applied.

And tediously tried and fitted and tried again.

I'm a bit skeptical of the miracle "kits" on the market for stuff.
Just musing at this point. Probably should leave well enough alone as the present setup doesn't disturb the sights even a BIT.
All you really need to do a poor man's trigger job is the pistol, a stone, and an old automobile feeler gauge with a .020 blade.

And a trigger pull scale.
"Boosting" the trigger often helps clean it up a bit.

Dribble some of your preferred gun oil down onto the hammer to lubricate the hammer-sear interface. Check to verify that the gun is unloaded. Cock it, press forward lightly on the hammer to add some pre-load to what the hammer spring is applying, and pull the trigger. Repeat 100 or more times.
My FLG completes a trigger job with a spell of boosting.
He boosts as hard as the leverage of doubled popsicle sticks allows.
He once sheared the hooks right off a MIM hammer, too.
I'm thinking that, as per usual, my horse is in the county behind my cart. :o

Doing some dry firing and it appears to be healing.
I think it probably just needs another 50-100 rounds.

Can't feel any "gritty" now. Break is clean and surprising.
And I did do some "boosting" (without knowing the term) when I was greasing it after the initial dry running.