Spring Gobblers starts exactly 1 month from today

Ordered barrel for my encore today. I went to the range and watched a guy shoot his for pattern. I was pretty impressed, I had no idea a blackpowder barrel would be THAT good.
My son has been pestering me about going with him for two or three years, and up till now I just didn't have much interest in going. But after I saw the pattern and range of the muzzleloader at the range the other day, I got kind of excited about going this year.
I love to hunt with a smoke pole, so this might turn into a good thing for me.( If nothing else, it's a little more time I can spend with my 2 sons doing something we all enjoy) This will also give them something they can show the Ole Man something about.;)
Starts April 15 over here. I don't have tags, loads, permission, haven't scouted...

I need to get my act together. :eek:
About two weeks ago I counted about 40 across the road from the house. Since then I haven't seen them.
Dang; no; shoulda taken a picture of it. It was seriously huge; I'd say over half again as long and as thick as a typical one you see. So I'm dreaming of a 12" beard dragging the ground, of course. We'll see. I actually won't be able to hunt out there until April 15th, because of some danged social obligation on the 8th & 9th. :mad: