Spring fatigue in Glock mags?

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Bob S

New member
How long can a person keep a glock mag loaded before having to worry about the springs giving out? Or is this even a legitimate concern. Should I rotate magazines and if so, how often. With the price of high cap mags, this can be somewhat difficult. Does it help to only load 12 rounds into a 15 round mag??
go to GlockTalk:

And check the archives. Some have recomended rotating mags: have one loaded/another unloaded, rotate every couple months.

I keep my klinton mags full and rotate the high-caps.

It wouldn't hurt to download your mags to about 80-90% of their full capacity. You could leave a few extra rounds so that you can top off the mags IF you have time and the situation permits. Otherwise use the mag as is. I would recommend rotating mags periodically. How often is up to you. I do it every month but some do it every week. Maybe you can do it every time you go to the range? My 2 cents.

"The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use because it lets you keep your distance from the client. The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you'll learn."

[This message has been edited by Corbon91 (edited September 01, 1999).]
It's not as big a problem as people make it out to be. Mag springs are designed to be compressed. It's at full compression that they lose elasticity the fastest, so if you want it to last longer just back off one round (that still won't gaurantee anything though). Mag springs are cheap though, just buy some extras.

I don't know how long is long but I have fired the ammo from GI .45 mags that were loaded for longer than Glock has been in business. Worked fine. I have no reason to think Glock mags are not as good. If you really want to know, load a mag, leave it lay for 20 or 30 years and report back.

Rotating mags is not a bad idea but in reality probably isn't necessary. As someone mentioned in an earlier post, magazine springs are much better than most people give them credit.

Rotate them occasionally if it makes you feel better but don't lose much sleep over it. As far as downloading is concerned, why would I want to load my protection/carry gun with 7-8 rounds when it was designed for and will safely hold 10? Doesn't make sense to me.
I have a Glock 30 with three magazines. I've had the gun for just over two years now and the mags have been kept fully loaded the entire time, except when I run them dry at the range. So far, no problems and no signs of problems.
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