Spring change on 500A?

The Antibubba

New member
My "new" Mossberg 500A has a weak magazine spring, and i need to replace it. Since the cap on the "A" series doesn't allow the spring to be removed normally, how do I get to the magazine innards?
The process from my 500AR

To remove the mag spring.

First unload the gun, (I know sounds like a duh comment but I hear every year about someone shooting himself while cleaning a gun :eek: ) then remove the barrel by loosening the barrel mount and sliding the barrel out with the gun at a half open breach position.

With the barrel removed, unscrew the mag tube from the receiver (standard threads, righty tighty etc). Keep a good hold on the tube and remove it slowly. When freed, you can dump the spring out of the tube, make sure to keep track of the part that caps the other end of the spring to push the shells, it is only held in place by the spring pressure.

To reinstall, just do it backwards. :)

And there you have it. Just make sure to get the right mag spring as there were several mag options on the 500 series over the years. Best way is to know your mag capacity.

Enjoy your 500 they are great guns. I loved mine.
I always used my hands. It's snug but it shouldn't be that tight. If it has been a while and it seems stuck use some penetrating oil to loosen it up. If you were to use a wrench on it I'd try a strap wrench first. I think a pipe wrench is too strong and may damage the tube. A pipe uses the teeth for grip and would definately mess-up the blueing. A rag or pad might protect it, but I wouldn't trust it to keep the finish in tact besides if it's that stuck how long has it been since you cleaned that bady out ;) .
Thanks, I though they had made a special pipe strap wrench, that might have a stronger strap. I personally prefer, a chain pipe wrench that I have had for almost 20 years. It works on oil filters too. I am thinking of getting a dedicated HD mossberg. :)
Ahh, pump gun selection time

The life long pump shotgun debate is currently raging in the "Winchester 1300 Defender" topic in this forum. Yes, that great debate between the Remington and Mossberg lines with the Winchesters in the mix for good measure.

If you are looking at a good HD scattergun, take a look at the Winchester 1300 Defender series. I haven't used the Mossberg HD lines so I can't help you with how they shoot or how balanced they are (though I can't see much difference since they are on the same frame), but I have used the 1300 Defender and it is a nice gun and definately bears consideration.

IMO, these mid-range pump shotguns are all about the same in quality which makes selecting an individual model a matter of taste.