Spouses and Pieces


New member
I am thinking about getting my Signifigant other a Handgun for CCW but I am not sure what to get her. Can some of you tell me what your spouses are carrying?

when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first
Ruger SP101 in 357. The hammer is bobbed and the gun is magna-ported. Also has action job. She has shot most all of my handguns, but she likes that the best. Keep it simple.
Any good quality snubby will do. I keep 38+p in the gun for self defense. Little less kick.

From my cold dead hands.
My wife shoots IPSC with a 4" GP100, but carries a S&W M38 Airweight Bodyguard. Her ammo is loaded specifically for her gun by Gray Area Ammo, of course.

I always recommend letting the person who will be carrying decide what they want. At least it's a gun...

"All my ammo is factory ammo"
Carried much, shot little.
"All my ammo is factory ammo"

[This message has been edited by WESHOOT2 (edited December 22, 1999).]
My wife isn't a shooter, but I have female friends who are. The S&W Bodyguard in .357 magnum with .38 +P's in it seems to be a popular choice due to the shrouded hammer that CAN be cocked if time permits. And the trigger is a S&W, after all....
Glock-Man. this is such a personal taste area that our collective opinions are moot.

FWIW - my ex is a total revolver person. She is convinced that autos are jammamatics. My new SO is a total auto person. Thinks wheelguns are for old fogeys.

Guns I've seen ladies use - medium revolvers (K frame Smith's, Ruger Security series). Autos - Glock 19, 23 series. A couple of 26/27 users. The Ruger K95 polymer frames, H&K USP compacts and the occasional Colt Officers Model.

Guns that BF/hubby has picked and did not work - fullsize revolvers (usually a Magnum), Desert Eagle (not kidding), S&W series autos (too many bells and whistles), .22s and .25s, PPKs.

Work with her and let her decide on her gun.



"I don't make enough money to buy cheap stuff" - Mark Manning
For reference, my wife chose a Glock 19 (9mm) for her carry gun, and shoots it in IDPA competition to stay effective with it. She fired mine and liked it so much that she knew there wouldn't be anything better for her carry gun. She likes the simplicity and reliability of Glock - she's intimidated by my USP45f - too many buttons/levers...

She believes that the Glock design makes for an excellent first gun because it offers certain traits that are user-friendly: 1) no safety - you HAVE to be careful with it *always* and it offers no 'safety' to quell you into a false sense of security, 2) quick into action when you need it, 3) controllable recoil (she's 5'2", 135lbs, fairly slight build), 4) easy to clean, field strip and clear jams, and 5) utter reliability.

If she can't trust it, she doesn't want it.

I was glad she chose for herself, however. Don't think that you can 'steer' her toward what you think is best - let her do the shopping and choose the one that makes her feel confident in it's use. She's going to be the one carrying it, remember, not you!

Good luck, and encourage her - many wives won't touch guns. Sure feel sorry for those guys,
Hey Glock_man!
Very interesting post!! Make sure that if u do decide to get your sig. other a handgun that she has had proper training and i don't mean the basics from a guy like u or i. I mean from an qualified instructor who knows how to teach someone to use a handgun.

Guns are not toys!!!!! and i know that u know that but i just want u to realize the kind of power u would be putting in her hands. that said....

i would probably choose either the s&w airlight hammerless or the tauras ti hammerless. lighter and easy to carry in a purse and without out a hammer it won't snag when she tries to pull it out. I can tell by your name that u r not a big fan of revolvers but that is my 2 cents :)

Her choice- Colt diamondback .38 sp
She took a women's only handgun course taught by our local LEO's and Lady State trooper and suitably impressed them. She brought home her paper targets and I could see why.
I carry a Sig P228, as well as a Colt Detective's Special w/ burred hammer and Night Sites. These guns work well for me, but I'm not petite and don't have tiny hands, so carrying a full-size auto is fine for me. The Colt fits nice in my hands and isn't real heavy.

That being said, as others have mentioned, let her choose. If she's familiar with guns already, take her to the range and rent some for her.

I personally wouldn't want my husband to choose my CCW gun for me. What he likes doesn't necessarily match what I like, or what feels comfy in my hands. (OTOH, he is free, at any time to buy me any gun that's on my wish list!) :)

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!
My wife has a S&W Model 10 with 3-inch barrel and round butt.

She does not like K-frames with square butts, as they are too large for her hand (J-frames with square butts are a better fit, however). Also, she does not like the muzzle-heavy balance of revolvers with a lot of barrel weight (no 6-inch L-frames or Pythons for her!). As for autos, she'd rather not bother with the MOA of their controls.

In sum, her preference is for the basics offered by wheelguns.
Mine carries a Taurus M85UL.
Keeps it in her back pack.
She fell in love with it from just an add in a Guns&Ammo magazine. Made me take her to get one that very day!!!!!!!!!

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!
I go along with those who say let her decide. Take her to a gun shop or gunshow and let her handle as many as possible. Also take her to the range and see what other folks are shooting. Shooters are friendly folk and just about any of them will be happy to let her try their guns.

My wife isn't really a shooter, but she can defend herself. Her choice is the Colt Detective Special.