Sports Authority Removes Handguns!


New member
I usually frequent the Sports Authority on a regular basis since it's close to my office. Usually, I stop by the gun section to see what's new. The what's new was the shocker.... The S.A. had removed all handguns from the display cases!! When I asked the salesperson, he simply stated that the S.A. will no longer sell handguns. The salesperson declined to elaborate on the matter...

What is going on? Is this due to anti-gun pressure or S.A. management adopting a "political correct" policy? Will the long guns be next? Is this at all S.A. stores or just the ones in Maryland?

Does anyone know what the story is??
Have you been in any K-mart's lately? They have pulled all firearms and the Walmarts in my area don't display any handguns but I've heard they (walmart) will order a handgun for the buyer.
All this Polically correct junk is just really getting on my nerves,think I'll go shoot my non-polically correct AR-15....

[This message has been edited by Bushwhacker (edited April 09, 1999).]
I had an idea this was coming. I was in a SA in Atlanta area a few days ago and they were almost out of handguns. I asked the clerk almost jokingly if they were going out of the handgun business, and he just shrugged and said nothing.

Actually, I have never bought a gun from any of the mass marketers anyway. I tend to believe it is just good policy to patronize the local full-service gun dealer. He is far more likely to be knowledgeable about what he's selling, more likely to handle any warrany problems,(like returns to the factory) and most of them in my area aren't much, if any, higher priced than the discount stores. Also, the local dealer has a vested interest in supporting our gun rights, while the big chains see firearms as a miniscule part of their business, so they aren't particularly interested in helping out in the fight.

One downside to the SA move though, without the competition the small independent dealers may raise their prices. Oh well, we can always buy a little cheaper at the gun shows, at least until Herr Clinton figures out a way to stop that too.
Talked to the counter guy in a Missouri SA, he said they were getting out of handguns, but select stores that did the most volume might continue to sell them. Of course my second question was if they were going to discount any of the remaining stock. I got a firm maybe. He said they might negotiate a sale of ALL the handguns in their system to one wholesaler (we both thought that was unlikely), or they might try to sell them off at a discount, or the "few stores"I mentioned above might sell of the remaining stock.
Hi everyone,
Well, I just went to my local Sports Authority in Connecticut and they still have handguns. Overpriced, of course, but they still have them and lots of them. I would bet it is just a regional thing. Why keep a product line that isn't selling? Remember, Connecticut isn't exactly the most progun state in the Union, although we beat the pants off our neighbor states.
Keep shooting, it is better than listening to the antis :-)
Rapidfire -

Which SA in CT? I went to the one in Orange, and was told by the clerk that they indeed were getting out of the handgun biz.

Ed: There's a real downside of this you maybe haven't considered: Sales of guns at mass market outlets like the Sports Authority, or Walmart, is useful in that it exposes the non-gun public to firearms. It helps desensitize them. It's easier for them to think gun ownership is freakish and sick if guns are sold only in specialty stores only gun owners frequent. So this IS a defeat of sorts, even if these places weren't very good sources of guns to begin with. I'd make a similar point about advertisements for guns... It would be smart of the gun manufacturers to start advertising OUTSIDE gun magazines; It might not pay off well in sales, but it will pay off in other ways!
Brett- Good point. I hadn't considered that angle. Also, I suppose anything that reduces the availability of firearms has to be counted as a negative.

I don't think I'll be bying any more running shoes at SA.
Hi Aahzz,
I go to the one in Newington right near the West Farms mall. It is exit 30 on route 9 north. Make a right turn at the exit and go into the Borders bookstore lot. The SA is behind the bookstore. I went there a couple of weeks ago and they still had handguns. If it is a brand new policy, maybe this store will get rid of them too. They are so expensive I am sure it is a business decision and not a antigun political statement. I laugh when i see the prices since there are two really good gunstores in Newinton about 5 minutes away.

Yup, I agree with you on their prices. However, I really hope they don't stop carrying ammo. I can't get ammo anywhere else in Fairfield County for close to their prices. The SA in Danbury didn't mention getting out of the gun business, but didn't answer me directly, either - so the only direct acknowledgement I've had is from Orange.

Just went to the local SA here in Charlotte, NC and they still have handguns on display and don't plan on stopping it anytime soon the clerk told me.
They're dropping them in N. VA (at least in Tyson's Corners), no plausible explaination, unclear if they'll continue to stock handgun ammo, either.

OTOH, Galyans has moved into the area, aggressive prices (I got my USP45C in stainless there for $589), good selection, knowledgeable staff, good ammo variety. So maybe the SA dweebs just can't stand a little competition. Galyan's is a bit out of teh way for me, but they make it worth my while. SA has good ammo prices,but if they're dropping handguns, uff da SA.
I have heard that SA has gotten away
from selling handguns due to the fact
that last year they had around 5 million
in sales and 7 million in litigation for
various reasons.
The business section of the Baltimore Sun had an article this morning that Sports Authority announced yesterday that it will stop selling handguns in all of its stores saying small firearms sales are not profitable (made up less than 1/2% of its sales) for
the sporting good retailer. They will continue to stock firearms used by hunters, including shotguns and rifles.