Sports Authority Recording Ammo Sales


New member
I just acquired a NIB S&W 40CS and am planning to take it out to the range next week. I normally practice with reloads with my Taurus PT100 but since this will the first time for the S&W I stopped by a local Sports Authority here in Maryland to pick up some different brands of ammo to see which one will give me the best results.

After selecting 4 different brands I was surprised when the clerk asked for my drivers license (I looked older than 21 when I was 21 over 30 years ago) and starting recording each box on a separate line in a log book. I then had to sign on each line. When I questioned the clerk about this he said if I had purchased just one brand he would have recorded it just once but since I purchased 4 brands he had to make an entry for each one.

Anybody know if this is SA's policy nationwide or just here in Glendening and Curran land.
I would have put them back and walked out.

Wasn't there another store nearby?

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
It's only MD. You'll have to go to the non-communist commonwealths of PA or VA to get away from that nonsense.
I'm like Oatka. I'd left them there and gone to a gun shop or even Walmart.. That's just plain crazy. And other than giving them what piece of mind I have, I'd never go back.....

After looking at a later response it seems it must be the law in MD. If that's the case, I reckon I'd have to go to a neighboring state and stock up..FWIW

I agree, don't patronize Sports Authority again! and please dont publicize that little trick, i'm afraid it'll catch on here in Missouri.As a former resident of the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts, I understand what you have to put up with to live where you do.
I've purchased shotgun cartridges from SA before and they didn't record the sale. Guess their just doing it for handgun caliber. But I agree, go somewhere else. I mostly buy online, but in a pinch I'll go to Dick's or Walmart.
What you are seeing is the aftermath of
a BATF crackdown on national retail chain
dept stores that sell firearms and ammo.

About one or two years ago, in the aftermath of one or another of the shootings
we get each year here in America, Chuck
Schoomer again used the bodies of the dead victims as a soap box to scream his anti
self defense socialist elitest agenda to the media.

As I semi recall it, ammo & a 22lr semi
auto rifle were purchased from a chain
dept store & records were improperly
kept by the shoe dept clerk who handled
the sale. (or some thing along these
lines, I dont remember much because I was paying little attention to it.)

Because of this, BATF got orders to
bring nationwide dept store gun depts
up to the same high standards that
real guns shops have always dealt with. AndI'll bet, a good step beyond that to

What has happened here in Ct is that
Sports Authority is also taking names when ammo is bought and has stopped selling handguns.
I believe Sports Aythority is
closing down their entire gun dept,
long guns too ,when their inventory is sold out.

As to K mart, they also are taking names when ammo is bought & have stopped selling
long guns, I am told- as I have not been to
Kmart since Rosie O'Fatbutt insulted gun owners on tv during the Tom Selick interview.

No Christmas presents were bought at Kmart this year by my family.

I am told Kmart is only selling air guns in their gun dept, and taking names
on ammo and bb's & air pelets& co2 cartridges.

Because of this, my gun shop has had
a good christmas season for the first time

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!