Sports Authority Handgun Policy


New member
I was recently in their store in Danbury,CT and noticed no more handguns for sale. I couldn't find a clerk that seemed to know anything about it.

Has anybody got any further info on this policy?
I think The Sports Authority stopped selling handguns after the last school shooting in the spring. In the late winter handguns were still being offered for sale.
Hi Everyone-

Yup, Sports Authority is out of the handgun business as of a few months ago.

Went there to see if I could find a bargain on a Ruger SP101 in .357, but they were cleaned-out of all handgun stock. In hindsight, that's OK too. I'll take my $$$ someplace where they welcome me and my beliefs to the store.

Supposedly, handguns weren't their "core competency."

Hey, why can't they just step up to the plate and say, "We just want to be politically correct and offend as few media-types as possible. Thank you for shopping at Sports Authority."

And so the story goes.....


~ Blue Jays ~
The hell with stores like that! I'll spend my $$ elsewhere. I support my local gunstore anyway. I've rarely seen an employee at one of those type places that knew anything about firearms. BTW, does anybody know if Bass Pro Shops sells firearms in their stores? There is a new one being built in the Charlotte area. Thanks, Byerly.

Thanks for the info guys. These places are nothing but yuppie sports apparel stores disguised as outdoor sports dealers. Three quarters of the place is clothes anyway.
Was just in the local Bass Pro shop today and yes.... they sell lots of handguns, rifles, shotguns. These people had best know better than to piss off their customer base with some stupid PC policy like that.
This past winter we had a state wide vote for concealed carry in Missouri.Bass Pro headquarters are located in Missouri.
When asked publicly their stance on ccw
they responded that they would remain neutral
on that issue.I guess they sell more clothes than guns.Hearing this totally pissed me off.I doubt the small amount of money I would have spent there will hurt them any. But I guarantee no amount of my cash is
going to help them either...
Yes, Bass Pro in the new Concord Mills Mall will be selling guns. They will have approx. 250 long guns on display and numerous handguns, mostly hunting types. They will have an indoor archery range but no firearm range. The grand opening will be Sept. 16, but they will open on the 9th.
Recently ran into the same thing in the gun department of my local Sports Authority here in the Windy City. The clerk told me that a new CEO had decided to oust the inventory of handguns. However, since then, I've learned that that decision came shortly after Sports Authority was one of the defendants named in the Richie Daley's lawsuit. The decision also coincided with Columbine.

Now, a new retailer called Galyans (sp) has trampled Sports Authority in at least two new locations where they have an extensive selection of firearms, including handguns and self serve ammunition (something new in are area). Prices are reasonable and the help, although a bit green, seemed fairly knowledgable and friendly.

The nice thing about these large sporting goods stores in our metropolis is their exposure of firearms to customers who would not normally venture into a gun shop.

Political correctness has allot to do with sporting choices in these large corporate owned stores. Thank you Galyans for being brave and politically incorrect in a City where leftist Richie Daley covers up his own administration's corruption with attacks on legitimate businesses.
I'm with Paul Revere - Galyan's is great! And not just for firearms. They have a much better camping/hiking/kayaking selection than Sports Authority.

When I walked into the firearms dept. of a 2-story sporting goods store and are staring at a rack of $1500-2000 shotguns, with a repro Henry rifle, it just made my eyes water...

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.
HarryB, I'm told the reason they're still selling in Phoenix is because we are one of the areas the rest of the country's Sports Authority stores is shipping to for final disposition of their inventory. The store on Tatum was one of the participating stores. However, I'm not so sure they're offering such great closeouts anyway ...

Good riddance.
that's funny. The Sports Authority in Chula Vista, CA still sells handguns. But the prices are much higher then they were 5 months ago.
Of course Jeff,

You also have Smitty's in PHX.. ;) Gotta love a grocery store that sells firearms.

"Hun, when you pick up the milk and the dipers, could you pick me up a case of 230gn FMJ .45s too? Pretty Please???"

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
They are still selling what they have got in stock but they will not order more. I found out from someone that works at SP that their legal costs grew larger than money they made on handguns so...

It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.