Sporting Purposes


New member
Now that the next target for the gun grabers is the evil "sniper" rifle, read: any centerfire rifle with a scope (say good by to grandpaps old .270 all you 'only hunters' out there)

Watch out for the backdoor "Sporting Purposes", It seems that more and more states are mandating Shotgun only deer hunting seasons. As each state falls in line, there will be no "Sporting Purposes" need to own a rifle.

The rifle is the firearm of liberty. Not the pistol, revolver, or shotgun. Rifles are what make men free.

So think about that all you who say "I have no need for a semiauto rifle" when they come to take away your trusty old .30-06 bolt gun because it is "an evil sniper rifle with no sporting purpose, and is able to kill out to 800 meters"
And why does anybody NEED to kill a man at 800m? That is, of course, the only thing it is GOOD for!!! Only to KILL!
Yeah, the dimwits that wrote the Bill of Rights meant to say, "...arms that have a legitimate sporting purpose, shall not...", but they forgot, being morons. Good thing the Nazis corrected that little error for them.

Every time some feeb even broaches the topic of "sporting purpose" we need to dump a crap hut on them, and remind them of the Nazi roots of the phrase. As if Madison intended that the 2nd be protection for sportsmen; his life's work wouldn't have been complete without protecting hunting as a right, even if he never said hunting while outlining that right. Please.

If guns kill, and sniper rifles can kill at 800 meters, then why is there a single politician left standing? Somebody's full of it.

"The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of any of their number is self-protection."
John Stuart Mill
Hear, hear!

The pistol is a poor compromise; its sole value is that it is a very portable and ready arm of defense. It is the rifle that is the arm of the offensive.

Now, you'd be hard pressed to find a case of any 1/4 mile shootings since Chapman at UT in the '60's (I used to kinda scurry across the S. Mall when I attended UT...), but don't think that will deter the hoplophobes! Just THINK how bad Littleton would have been if those boys had had telescopic sights on their carbine!

Next you'll hear the definition of a "sniper rifle:"

1: Any rifle with a telescopic sight.

2. Any rifle with an Aimpoint sight. (hey, they look like scopes.

3. Any rifle with a trigger pull that breaks under 6 lbs.

4. Any rifle with an adjustable sling. (Gawd help us if they hear the terms "deliberate sling" and "hasty sling." Just figure now on "Ching Sling" being taken as a racial slur.

5. Any rifle capable of shooting under 2 MOA.

6. Any rifle with a buttcuff for extra rounds storage.

Come-on, guys: I know I've missed one or two, here!
Don't forget, that the Peoples News Service, KNN, or CNN as it is known, during their reporting on Kosovo, showed an old Mauser type bolt action with iron sights and called it a "Deadly Sniper Rifle".

Paving the way for the Brave New World, Hanoi Jane and her Komunist Handler, Teddyboy.
Hey, don't knock mausers with iron sights! Mine shoots very well!

Long Path, you forgot that any rifle with a detachable magazine. And what about military "training rifles" from WWII? 30'06 bolt actions with iron sights. By the way, if anyone has one of these, I will take it off your hands for you. That way, the feds will give me heat, and not you ;)

And what about "accurized" rifles? Wouldn't that mean you could be even more deadly with one of these?

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
Here in Illinois you cannot use a rifle to hunt deer. You can, depending on the county, use a muzzle loader, handgun, shotgun, or bow and arrow to take a deer. In the four counties surrounding Chicago, one can only use archery equipment to hunt deer. However, one can hunt any other legal furry critter in these same four counties using any type (or caliber) of center fire rifle. Does this make any sense?

If on the same property I cannot hunt deer with anything but a bow, but I can hunt woodchucks and coyotes and foxes with a .22-250 or a .458 or a 7mm magnum, isn't there something wrong with this picture (other than too much gun for a varmint)?

While bird hunting many years ago, I ran into a guy walking slowly through the field with an axe handle. I asked what he was doing, and he said he "was hunting rabbits". Beside trespassing on private land, he was using an illegal weapon! Better register them thar axe handles.
Hey, shotgun guys:

This gem appeared a while ago, but I guess the antis are holding up in order to get handguns and rifles first.

"We must ban the deadly street sweeper shotguns made only for mass killing and capable of firing up to four hundred bullets with a single shot, destroying buildings and people indiscriminately."

Of course "street sweeper shotguns" means all shotguns, just as "Saturday Night Special handguns" means all handguns.

I believe that a bill concerning the .50 cal type rifles is w/ the House Ways and Means because "they" want the .50 cal to be classsified and regulated the same as a machine gun. Once again "no legitimate sporting purpose".
400 bullets? In a shotgun?

Damn, that's impressive. Where can I get one of these?

Oh yeah, I just remembered: at the same Unlicensed! Gun! Dealer! who sells high-capacity cartridges.
Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited July 22, 1999).]
So if your rifle shoots under 2 MOA, you can keep it if you scrape out some of the rifling, or permanently bend the barrel to throw off the accuracy?
Say, now that VPC is screeching at the IOC for even *considering* allowing IPSC-style shooting competitions, maybe the gun owners who support gun control will pull their collective head out of their arse.

This is a wake-up call, guys. You know who I mean: the yuppies with their $4000 customized-all-to-hell-and-gone rigs, who say stuff like "No one needs an AK-47." They're coming for YOU, just like we warned you.

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
How about and oldy but a goody.
"These deadly rifles are fully capable of penetrating all law enforcement body armor and as such should be banned."
I would start by saying that it is the sniper or marksman that makes for the system. I have seen some very spectacular shots taken off hand on small targets with rack grade "well slightly tweeked iron sights" that were fired by well qualified shooters. I have also run across some individuals that couldn't hit a thing with a benchrest rifle with a scope that cost as much as I make in a month!
Recon they are looking at the match scores?
I am very happy to see a thread about hunters and their particular toys being brought up again!
Good shooting, HankL