Spitzer...If I Only Had A Brain


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OK, those are my words, or the Scarecrow's words from the OZ. But it sure seems to apply. About everyone in NY was against his plan to license illegals, including most in his own party, license bureau administrators, and police officials. Even the liberal NY Times says his poll numbers are in free fall. This is a good example of how out of touch our politicians can get with the public. Now NY Senator Hillary Clinton can explain why she supported Spitzer.
Well, Hillbama actually called Spitzer's plan "sensible" before she claimed (a few minutes later in the same debate) that she didn't necessarily support it....

Well, Hillbama actually called Spitzer's plan "sensible" before she claimed (a few minutes later in the same debate) that she didn't necessarily support it....

She was for it before she was against it. This is better than a sit-com.:D

BTW, doesn't it seem a little strange for a US Senator to say this is a Governor's problem, and that she really didn't want to second guess him? Considering this could have the potential to allow terrorist to get ID's, and open the door for voter fraud in local and national elections, you would think this is also the business of a US Senator from NY. Just more "Mug-Whamping" from Hillary. Her mug on one side of the fence and her whamp on the other.
I bet Hillary's relieved. She doesn't need to equivocate about being against being for it as a good idea that she might support being considered if she doesn't fail to approve of it as a possible idea.
Prince Eliot of Spitzerdonia was peeved and miffed at having to acknowledge the will of his subjects. Poor little chap.

Every day, in every way, it becomes obvious that we really do have a two party system: Them (the unholy alliance of Dems and GOPs) and Us.

There can no "comprehensive solution" that legitimates illegality and absorbs up to 100 million newcomers on the backs of current American citizens and taxpayers. When the ruling class finally gets this is anyone's guess. It will probably take what it has always taken to get their full attention.
MadMag, we're often on opposites when it comes to issues regarding illegal immigration, but even I thought Spitzer's idea was the stupidest thing ever, both for 1) all the obvious consequences, and 2) a very dumb thing for a politician to do - alienating the majority of your constituency.
MadMag, we're often on opposites when it comes to issues regarding illegal immigration, but even I thought Spitzer's idea was the stupidest thing ever,

Thanks, agreed.

Now just one more thought. This shows another difference between Bill & Hillary. IMO, Bill Clinton would have been smarter and given much better answers about illegal drivers license than Hillary.
BTW, doesn't it seem a little strange for a US Senator to say this is a Governor's problem

Being that it is her state, I would feel perfectly fine with a Senator from the State of NY criticizing a policy of her state regardless of her position. After all, the Sentators quite technically represent the interests of the states where the Representatives represent the direct interest of the people.

Hillary is just dodging the question and taking her foot out of her mouth. I can at least respect somebody who disagrees with me but sticks with it. I think if Hillary were to address the NRA convention, we'd be surprised at how ardently pro-gun she'd be in that forum.
IMO, Bill Clinton would have been smarter and given much better answers about illegal drivers license than Hillary.

Love him or hate him, I will always admire Bubba for being the best at playing the game of politics in the latter half of the 20th century. No other American politico has ever matched his ability to claim credit for things he didn't do, blame others for things he did do, remain such a strong force even after the end of his term, and, ultimately, get away with so much.

I can imagine it now... his right hand holding an imaginary Jeopardy! clicker and waving it up and down, that three-quarters downward stare (suggesting humility and sincerity)...

"Mr. Moderator, sir, regardless of how the American people feel about Mr. Spitzer's proposals, this matter is most certainly a federal issue and should not be done on a state-by-state basis. He is unnecessarily dividing our country."

... thereby avoiding both sides of the debate, but still coming out looking decisive.

Too bad his Presidential library looks like a double-wide trailer.
The dive in his approval rating is well deserved. Now if only the same thing happens to NY's two senators.......
The Republicans are against drivers licenses for illegals, when what they should be against is having illegals here in the first place!

If Republicans are going to turn a blind eye to illegal immigration, and allow our immigration laws to go unenforced, then I think we ought to give driver licenses to illegals to ensure they are competent on our roads.

The correct solution to this problem is, of course, to stop illegal immigration, but the Republicans wont do that. So they have set up a smoke screen with the driver license issue.
The correct solution to this problem is, of course, to stop illegal immigration, but the Republicans wont do that.

Legitimate point. Bush certainly has made no effort to stop illegal immigration, but many Republicans (like myself) have felt for a long time that he does not represent our views. Yes, we were fooled. We did not understand his ideas on illegal immigration until it was too late.

So they have set up a smoke screen with the driver license issue.

Can't agree with that. Not a smoke screen by Republicans, just a very dumb move by Gov. Spitzer. Now I do agree that the Bush administration has put up a lot of smoke screens that looked like they were working to stop illegal immigration, when in fact they were doing nothing but talking. But that is another long subject.
I am quite sure that Mr. Spitzer did not listen to his voters so much as he listened to the Democratic Party. I am guessing he got his hand slapped for trying to do something so controversial during the Ascendence of She who shall not be Named.
She who shall not be Named.
I like that.:D

I guess I have beat this one up enough, but this new article makes good reading.


I think it is now becoming obvious to everyone that no named runs her campaign based strictly on poll numbers...not real convictions. I bet if the polls said she would have a 50.001% lead by having a photo-op while shooting an AK47, Hillary would do just that. If the thought of Hillary having an AK47 in her hands does not scare you, then you are truly fearless. :eek:
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I think Bill's attitude toward illegal immigration was, like much of what he furthered, as aspect of "don't ask, don't tell," predicated on his lifetime obsession with mendacity and self-righteousness.

We can thank Bill for getting the illegal immigration nightmare rolling. Does the name Doris Meissner ring a bell?

George, Bill's exiled twin, is only carrying forward with gusto and openness what Bill began in secrecy.
After the citizens denied Congress from passing the immigration legislation a few months ago you think politcians would have gotten the message. I guess this guy doesnt read or watch the news. Now Hillary has had to agree that it was a good thing the Governor dropped it...lol. If I was one of her opponents I would take every chance to beat her over the head with the issue till she gives a clear and consise answer that the Americans want to hear.

1. Clean up illegal immigrants in this nation, secure the nation's borders. Then and only then will we talk about worker programs and amnesty.

Pretty simple message from the people. Eisenhower had the same problem he just moved his folks in and the immigration folks who didnt enforce the laws to anther place. he then dried up the teat that they suckled on. the vast majority went home