Spike Lee's solution for violence


New member
"We've got to dismantle the NRA" Spike commented while in Cannes to promote his new film "Summer of Sam". He also laughingly suggested that Charlton Heston be shot with a .44 Bulldog, the weapon used by the Son of Sam.
I wonder how Spike would feel if someone suggested that the NAACP needed to be dismantled? Or joked about assassinating Kweisi Mfume?
How much coverage would that story get in the media? Would any of the meat puppets that give us our evening "news" express outrage if Tom Selleck made comments like that?
I've always considered Spike something of a self-centered jerk and have accorded him the attention that someone like that deserves, which is to say, not much!
I guess that this is just another indication of how low our society has sunk, when arrogant Hollywood elitists feel they can cross any line with impunity.
Disney/Buena Vista/Touchstone are distributing his film. If anyone can post their email address along with that of any of Spike's commercial endorsements, I'd love to send them a little suggestion or two.
People like Spike Lee have nothing intelligent to say and can't get their words out on merit, so they use derogatory remarks and sensationalistic blasphemes in order to get people to listen to him.
That's just my opinion, but with idiots like that, I think that the best course of action is to defeat their agenda by ignoring them.


Ps- I agree that there is a double standard. He can say something so evil as to shoot an innocent man for his political beliefs and no media group jumps on him.

[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited May 22, 1999).]
True enough
There is sufficient evidence to suspect potential mental disturbance LOL