Spencer Carbine serial #


Wish to research a Spencer 1860 serial # 20066. Year it was made. Unit it may have been issued to. If anyone would have information or who to contact I would appreciate it. Thanks, Dave D.
1860 Spencer Carbines were delivered from October 9, 1963 to April 17, 1865 . The serial number range was from 11,000 to 62,000. The U.S. government didn't require serial numbers to be recorded or to what unit they were issued. A few units did it to make soldiers accountable for their weapons but not very many.
Very much doubt Unit issue records have survived.
"...October 9, 1963..." snicker. I've done that. Long ago, in Toronto, Ont., a couple crates of Spencers were dug up by construction guys working on the site of an old CF Militia Armoury right in downtown TO. Right behind City Hall. Said Spencers promptly disappeared on a 'finders keepers' basis. The TO cops requested the rifles be returned, no questions asked. Never did hear of a single one reappearing. No records of 'em even existing.
There are some serial number blocks with POSSIBLE issue.
A friend had a Spencer rifle that MIGHT have been with Wilder's Lightning Brigade.