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Spell check


New member
Please, please, please, can someone on staff make spell check instant so that a post is automatically checked prior to posting? I too suffer from spelling issues from time to time, however, I realize it. I use the spell check prior to posting. So dat nobudy c's posts like dis frum me.

All doze in favur please aknowludge.
Here is a solution I keep mentioning every time this subject comes up. If you download the Firefox browser from the Mozilla website, it has a built in spell check. Whenever you type in a text box such as the one we post our threads in, you will see a red line under any word which is not recognized by the browser. It is similar to how MS Word places a line under each word which is not found in its dictionary.

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Mozilla. I just like their browser better than IE.

can someone on staff make spell check instant ...
Can you imagine what kind of net traffic that would cause? Type a word, send it to TFL for checking.

Instant spell checking is a browser function. Firefox is excellent at it. IE has IeSpell imbedded which isn't instant, but is a good spell checker.
Okay !!
Here is what I do. When I see a word that might be misspelled and before I post, I go to my favorite's list and look in this site. Even if I do misspell, this site will help you by giving you suggestions. I did the search now and it only took about five seconds. Good luck !!

Okay !!
Here is what I do. When I see a word that might be misspelled and before I post, I go to my favorite's list and look in this site. Even if I do misspell, this site will help you by giving you suggestions. I did the search now and it only took about five seconds. Good luck !!

The spell check on this site works well. The only problem is that few use it. IMHO no other outside spell check is necessary. People just need to use the one here. I was just looking for a way to "automate" the function so that it is done for those who fail to check before posting.
download and install iespell.

After you install you will need to close IE and reopen. After that just type what you want, highlight text to check, right click and choose iespell from list.
" The spell check on this site works well."

" The spell check on this site works well."

What spell checker are you refering to? You can always type in word, run the spell check and cut and past into the post window. I was looking for something more direct like when you hit preview post the system would run a spell check and ask you if you wanted to correct.
Has anyone tried Firefox like I suggested above? I don't understand why anyone would want software that required you to "cut and paste" or "right click and select...". Why not just use a browser that shows you the misspelled words as you type? Other than correcting your spelling errors, there's no extra work required.

My puter still has problems from Firefox. Biggest mistake I ever made was downloading that crap.

Sorry to hear that. Just curious...what kind of problems did you experience? I've read lots of other positive comments about Firefox. They have a pretty strong following.

IeSpell I got it

I downloaded the ieSpell freeware and it appears to be just the ticket i was looking for. Thanks for the suggestion. I appreciate it!;)

And whoom are you calling a Red Neck? Just cause my grammer ain't like yours doesn't mean I can't shoot straight which is what I thought this forum was all about, not a snob spot for requited english majors. ;):D:)

Just kidding no response necessary, I'll just look an my Diploma from Notra Dome and smile, cause I gots me a speel checker, now if I could get mees a rad neck cheeker I'd bee good. Piece Out:p:

and no i did not use the speal cheecker on this one-cause--:)