Speer 9mm 124gr GDHP in Clear Ballistics Gel


New member

Test Gun: Sig P229, Kahr Mk9.
Barrel length: 3.9, 3 inches.
Ammunition: Speer 9mm 124gr GDHP
Test media: 10% Clear Ballistics Gel.
Distance: 10 feet.
Chronograph: Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph G2.
Five shot velocity average: 1104, 1044fps
Gel Temperature 70 degrees.

A few years ago I did a test of the Speer 124gr GDHP in +P and have been meaning to do the same in the standard pressure. I thought it could be an interesting comparison and see if the extra velocity makes any real-world difference.

With the three recorded shot out of the Glock 19, I got an average velocity of 1185fps. The penetration pf the two rounds in the bare gel was 14 and 14.5 inches of penetration. Bothe bullets expanded to .64 inches.
When the +P version was shot into the heavy clothing covered gel it’s penetration was 19.25 and 17.25 inches with an expansion of .52 and .56 inches.

With the standard presser loading, I got an average velocity of 1104fps from the P229 with a high of 1112 and a low of 1093fps. From the Kahr MK9, the average velocity was 1044fps with a high of 1059 and a low of 1036fps.


Five rounds off hand at ten yards, P229

The first round in the bare gel had a velocity of 1098fps and penetrated to 16 inches. The recovered diameter was .58 inches and the recovered weight was 124.1 grains. The second round’s velocity was 1101fps and its expansion was .59 inches. It penetrated to 15.5 inches and weighed 124.7 grains.


In the heavy clothed gel, the first round had a velocity of 1105fps and its penetration was 17 inches. The recovered diameter was .53 inches and the recovered weight was 124.6 grains. Round two’s velocity was 1099fps and it penetrated to 20 inches. The expansion was .56 inches and the recovered weight was 124.4 grains.


The first round from the MK9 into the bare gel hit the block at 1033fps and penetrated to 15.5 inches with an expanded diameter of .56 inches. The recovered weight was 124.6 grains. The final round’s velocity was 1048fps and it also penetrated to 15.5 inches. the recovered diameter was also .56 inches and the recovered weight was 123.9 grains.
