Speedloading and Fast Revolver shooting Fact or Legend?!?!


New member

I've heard and read tales of people who were able to fully load a revolver in less than a second without the aid of a "speedloader" or any other device. Is this true? The subject facinates me and I would appreciate any links to books or instructions that would help teach me to do the same. I am willing to put in the practice.

Also, I've heard of people firing a SA/DA revolver so fast you'd think it was an Automatic. Once again, Something I would LOVE to learn to do. If you have any info on that, I would much appreciate it.

If all of this is just legend, please let me know so I can turn red in the face and quit dreaming!:rolleyes:

The reloading a revolver in less than 1 second without any kind of speed loader I would have to see to belive, right now I'd say that is legend.

There are shooters who can fire revolvers so fast you'd think they were a full auto though. Jerry Mikiluck (sp, sorry) shoots his revolvers faster than most people can pull the trigger on a semi auto, and there are single action people who can empty their revolvers in well under a second.

I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Ed McGivern who could empty a S&W revolver in 1/10 of a second or some other gawd awful fast speed?

You should also check out Bob Munden, likely one of the fastest - if not the fastest - shooters around. http://www.bob-munden.com/fastdraw.htm
Using moon clips would disqualify him from the question originally asked "I've heard and read tales of people who were able to fully load a revolver in less than a second without the aid of a "speedloader" or any other device. " Full moon clips would qualify as a speedloader or any other device.

I'm sure he can reload that fast or faster using full moon clips, but without them? I doubt it. Does Jerry do any fast reloading on the video without using speedloaders or moon clips?
My best friend saw a man that was labeled the fastest gun a while ago. He could put six rounds from his singla action wheelgun through a playing card at, I am not sure what distance, but he did it within like ½ second or something. Unfortunately, I was told that he passed away about two years ago. :(
JohnK, why not use a speedloader or any other device? I'm thinkin' that they were developed because it wasn't doable or practical to do so without one.

I prefer magazines to speedloaders, but that's only a bulk-thing = more bang for the buck per & mags just seem to pack easier, etc. due to shape. But, speedloaders are the ticket for revolvers.

McGivern's feat was 5 (6?) .38 S&W double action shots in 2/5 second. Jerry's was 8 in under a second & then he did the 8 shots, reload & 8 shoots in (what?) under 3 seconds? Probably off a bit, but not by far - utterly amazing - & they hit their targets as well!
Hey PF, that sounds like Bob Munden's single-action work, though there are certainly others. I don't think he's deceased, he appears on TNN's Shooting show every once in a while. I've also seen the video of Miculek breaking McGivern's record. He fired, reloaded, and fired again(10rds, or 12?) faster than most folks can empty 8-shots from a 1911!:eek: Absolutely phenomenal.:)
VL, think Jerry was using an 8-shot Smith & didn't break Ed's record. Read an article right after he did that shootin' & it said that due to difficulties in the different timing methods IIRC, they decided to start a new record.

I don't doubt Jerry could have, but ...

Ed's still stands & Jerry sets a whole new class.
labgrade, I think either you're missing the point or I'm just not communicating it very well. The original post asked if it was possible to reload a revolver in less than 1 second without using speedloaders. Not can it be done at all. Of course it would be fastest using full moon clips but that doesn't answer the original question.

Yes I absolutly belive that someone who is fast with the reloads, like Jerry M, could do it in less than 1 second using full moon clips and maybe using other types of speed loaders.

No I do not belive that it could be done without using such devices.

Didn't miss the point. Maybe my observation is/was "why even bother to try?" other than the obvious answer = "to see if it can be done" which is good enough in its own right. It can be done with stuff at hand.

Never even heard of anyone attempting what you ask, but there ya go - a new slot for a new world record!

I guess if you had some sort of "staging platform" for the rounds, could grab 'em all & insert at one time would be the only way ... think I'd pay a couple bucks to see that.

Hey! I knew JohnK when ... ;)
I agree, I don't really see a reason to try other than for braging rights. Or if you were trying to load a single action as fast as possible, which I really don't see being done in less than one second! Maybe in 2 or 3 though...by Bob Munden, not by me! :)

You're idea is how I was thinking to do it too. If there was a way to grab 6 rounds by the base already in a circle and if they were a large caliber with a really pointed bullet maybe you could stuff them all into the cylinder at one time without using a speed loader....
& braggin' rights is enough.

Even with "the stage," I don't see it being very repeatable just because once you get 'em all in your hand, the gig's up - you'll be the weak link.

Stranger things have happened though. I say go for it.

As far as a single action, now that I'd pay real money to see.
Would think that simply impossible w/o a swing-out gate a la double action revolver.
A little off the subject, but

there was a guy on TV last month who fired his
SAA .45Colt twice and it was so fast it sounded
like one shot. He also hit the target twice. The
reply BARELY slowed the motion down enough but you
could see him bang the hammer twice. Supposed to be the fastest "two shot shooter' in the world...
I don't think it's possible either to reload in 1 second.

I have seen Bill Oglesby shoot, and that is incredible. I've also seen Munden on TV and video, and he is phenomenal as well. Oglesby touts ( and I believe him) that the SA is the fastest gun action there is, cuz the action can goes as fast as the fastest man can work it, and autos still have to wait to cycle and re lock before you can fire it.

I've been accused more than once of having converting my Vaqueros to full auto. Practice, practice, practice!
I have had the special pleasure of actually getting to see Jerry Miculek shoot at a range right in front of me. S&W was doing a little promotional touring and Jerry was along for the ride. I got to personally speak to him and he was one of the absolute nicest gentlemen I have ever met.

He tried all of his records at the range on a cold cold day back in the Spring. It was phenominal to say the least. He can empty that 625 like you wouldn't believe - really does sound full auto.

And his reloading, he did a practice run on some empty shells and the best I can say is the audience was in awe. Then he did 6 shots, reload and 6 more. Probably had 3 shots left in the gun before the first empty moonclip hit the ground. He shot some tracers, blasted a cabbage and a shaving cream can. Excellent show. See him if you get the chance........