Speed-six too big for CCW?


New member
Even though I still have my appetite wetted for a new semi-auto, I am beginning to reconsider that style for my main CCW. I own a Speed-six and love it, so the other day I took it out and just wore it around the house to see if it would be practical as a concealed-carry gun.

Besides the fact I may want to switch my Pachmyrs back to the original grips, and that my current holster would be NG for concealability, does anybody out there carry this gun and what rig do you use? It does seem "slightly" large but on the other hand I think it might be do-able...?

I used to carry a 2 3/4" Security Six as concealed. It was just fine in a OWB or pancake style holster, and it also worked well in a variety of fanny packs.
I often carry a 2 3/4" Speed Six IWB in a AKJ Concealco holster. www.concealco.com

Sure you can do it. My usual CCW is a 4 inch K frame. Get a good holster and thick belt and change your wardrobe to fit the gun.

I've also carried my 6 inch Ruger Security Six in a shoulder holster. No probs there.
Yes, guess I should have mentioned it's the 2 3/4" barrel. The holster I have now is an older DeSantis "combo" (shoulder or belt rig), but unless I would be wearing a fairly long coat the butt end of the holster would be visible. But if some of you guys are carrying 4" barrels I guess I just need to find the right holster, either IWB or OWB.

Of course the other issue is confidence/comfort in shooting DA in a real threat situation (vs. a semi-auto)....but I am sure the "revolver vs. semi-auto" has been beat to death here so I won't try and rehash it. :cool:
The Speed-Six is a great carry weapon. However, please do not ignore a top-quality, very sturdy belt (I use an Akers with a Kevlar insert). It is every bit as important to comfortable, effortless concealment as a first-rate holster.
However, please do not ignore a top-quality, very sturdy belt (I use an Akers with a Kevlar insert). It is every bit as important to comfortable, effortless concealment as a first-rate holster.

Very true.

Ideally, you would buy a new holster and a new belt all at once from the same maker. Then you know you will get a good tight fit.
