Speed Loader help

You done good.
I have almost entirely Safarilands, Comp 1 and 2 for the Python.
I have one lone SL Variant and it is neat and cool and all, but it is not a huge improvement and you can't get them any more anyhow.
Bought & received the Safariland speed loaders & they both were a total pain in my posterior to load & use. I will order a 5 star speed loader & try it out.
yeah, the safariland comp loaders aren't for the novice. while others are easier to load they also allow the rounds to giggle which means loading them under stress requires you to giggle them sometimes to get alignment, then of course there is the loss of fine motor skills under real stress.... this is why the press method is preferred over the which way do I have to turn the knob again method. for the range and pretend stress, any speed loader will do.