Spectre vs the Concourse Cop


Staff Alumnus
I was on my way into the SHOT show this morning, and it was a about 8:20 AM. I was supposed to meet someone at the entrance to a restaurant to pick up my pass. I asked one of the three ( :)) police officers manning the crosswalk if he could tell me where The Terraces restaurant was. Hoo, boy.

Now, I can understand being careful. I can especially understand being careful in "high risk" situations. I have a difficult time understanding giving a clean-cut, neatly dressed young man who politely asks where a restaurant is a grilling. That's what I got.

I was gruffly informed that this was an insider show. (Thank you, officer friendly.) Then he asked if I was a member of a right-wing organization. I laughed. "Don't laugh, son," he said, sweeping the hat from my head to frown at my stubbly hair. "You're wearing black." I was asked why I was there again, then asked if I was carrying any weapons, then asked if there was a graphic on the t-shirt I was wearing underneath my new sweater (!). He asked my age (27), and looked at my id (he happened to see my CCL, as well as my driver's license). He relaxed about this time, and advised me to relax a second later, then commented that one can't be too careful...and, that this would be an interesting item to remember! Then he called the dispatcher for directions to the restaurant...which ended up being about 15 yds away. My day went well from there.

I am 5'6", and a very young-looking 27 (at least, to some people). I was clean shaven, and have 1/8" hair. I was wearing black slacks and shoes, a nice (at least, I thought it was ;)) gray, blue, and sundry other color sweater, and a black baseball cap. I wouldn't have exactly called myself threatening. I believe a lot of the reason the officer reacted so strongly, was that he thought I was much younger than I am, and therefore, did not belong at an obviously adult gathering. (I saw this officer as I was leaving SHOT at about 1415. He commented that I had found a different hat, and then, as I walked away, I believe I heard him tell his fellow officers that, although I looked 17...)

I had always assumed that demeanor is a major factor in how an officers treats those he encounters. Is this not the case? I am not at all suggesting that this officer was rude to me, just that he reacted well over what the situation would seem to demand.

I had no idea you were serious...

I thought you were kidding when you said you got hassled this morning!


Spectre and one of his Dojo mates handled some low-risk security for me tonight at a cocktail party.
They were thoroughly professional and courteous. Though Spectre is not the largest man ever to work a door, his hair (or lack their of) makes him much more serious looking. ;)
I'm really sorry. I didn't know it was you!!!

Just Kidding of Course I'm Here in Iowa, I just wish I was there. : -)

REmember in another Post my telling you that to some LEOs Professional and Friendly are mutually exclusive. I would lay odds that he thought he was being Professional.
Mid 80's - entrance to a disco..... Bouncer asks me for I.D. ( I was 25 !) , I pull out drivers licence, Birth Certificate and a learners permit.

After much apologizing from HIM... I go inside

That was a good night !....still grinning at 36 !! :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"

I'm sure you'll be fine. Just don't ask for directions! ;)


Will you like me better bald? ("Curly"?) :D


Looking forward to meeting you soonest.


I would definitely id you before letting you into a club (unless you were obviously over 35). That's a wee bit different than what happened here, I feel. In that situation, one is obligated to protect the house, and underage club surfers are a perpetual problem. I wasn't asking the cop for a drink!


Thanks for everything. Maybe we'll have time to hook up again before you leave town.
If an LEO "sweeps the hat from my head" in an incident as you describe it, I will consider that assault under Texas law [PC 22.01(a)(3)]. (I know you're not in Texas but...)

I won't permit an LEO to fill out his jock strap with his badge - neither will most LEOs. They need and want our cooperation but I guess they seldom will "rat" on a fellow officer. Therefore, it may fall to the civilian to lodge a complaint with the offensive LEO's department.

Elected officials (Sheriffs, Mayors, etc.), as well as LEO organizations seldom put up with this kind of bad public relations (Dept of Treasury excepted). But supervisors can not correct errors of which they are not aware.

Lest anyone think I am anti-cop:

1) LEOs have kept me safe on many EMS calls. I always thanked them - frequently with a letter to the Sheriff (copy to deputy).

2) Many times I have "backed up" an officer with my radio or cell phone by parking 100-150 yards "upstream" from a "stop" at night out here in the country. (I had red lights on my car in those days - he could tell who I was...) They always thanked me.

3) One of the many reasons I carry a 12ga in my car trunk and a .45 on/about my person is to "render aid" in case a cop is alone against a car-full of BGs (out here in the country). But that's a different story...too long to go into here. (Yes, I have a "plan".)
That reminds me...I need to call the Roswell PD and thank the boss of the officer who stopped me two weeks ago (expired tag). He was polite and used good tactics, while being friendly.
You just might give the poor guy a heart attack. We rarely get thank you note for stopping someone.
I don't write expired tags often As the late fees are normally more than enough punishment.
While I'm by no means defending this officers harassment of you, These thoughts have occured to me.
1. You're in Atlanta, a city with a very anti-gun mayor
2. Remember the olympic bombing?
3. One of the largest gun shows in town. A real possibility of anti-gun protests or worse.
4. Highly likely Atlanta PD is being pressured to keep things "under control".

This officer made a mistake. Given the above conditions, could you say for sure that you won't?
Just something to think about.
Hmmm ... anti-gun protests at a gun show. I'm trying to imagine how they prepare the LEO's for that possibility.

'Guy's, we may have some nonviolent, liberal HCI-types that will try to make trouble. They'll likely look like skinheads, wearing black, and they might be carrying concealed, biodegradable pepper spray. They usually wear pink pumps, and favor those cute, flowered, removable tattoos. Be careful out there.' ;)

Bwahahahahahah! :D


Jesus, all I did was ask where the darn restaurant was! I think I said, "Excuse me: can you tell me where 'The Terraces' restaurant is?"
I wasn't trying to make excuses for him. This officer was dead wrong. I was trying to figure out why this officer would act the way he did. He would have to be expecting trouble or just a complete a**hole. When you made the remark about him commenting on your young looks, I figured that he must be expecting trouble. The obvious next step was to wonder why he would expect trouble which in turn lead to my post. Perhaps I got carried away with it. But it was an interesting mental exercise. Besides, I hate to think anybody can just be that big of an a**hole. Iknow, Iknow, some people are. :)