Spectre mag. source?

buzz riley

New member
Can anyone tell me where to get a fair deal on (30) or (50) round magazine(s) for a Sites or American Arms Spectre 9mm. What is a fair deal on these? I haven't bought many hi-cap mags since the good ol'(pre-crime bill) days. Thanks

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
You might want to check out this site:


They handle Spectre parts and accessories, and there is a classifieds section as well. I didn't see any high-caps for sale, but the 10 rounders were running over $100. OUCH!

Best wishes,

Thanks for the help Daniel, this is the second time you've helped me this week. I checked out the site you gave me. It had a lot of good information. I'll have to keep looking for mags, they're overly fond of theirs. The day I give $100 bucks for a (10) round mag, is the day my wife would use it on me.