Special Matches at GRGC Bowling Green KY in 2010


New member
Green River Gun Club
Bowling Green, KY

September 25 - IDPA Pistol Night Match
Last year's night match was a big success so we're doing it again this year.
Match will be shot after sunset. Flashlights will be required.
We will be shooting at least five stages.
Since our club has a good number of Safety Officers we WILL be squadding.
That means you won't be shooting at midnight.

October 30 - Defensive Rifle Match
As some of you know we normally shoot a couple of rifle stages after most IDPA pistol matches.
A lot of you have told us you want more opportunity to shoot rifle so we're giving it to you.
The fifth Saturday of October will be a rifle-only match.
We basically follow IDPA pistol rules for our rifle matches with a few exceptions:
1. no concealment required
2. movement can exceed the 15 yard rule
3. magazines are loaded to twenty rounds
NOTE: For this match we have received special permission to use BOTH ranges.
This means we will have five stages on the Stiles Range PLUS:
One large stage on the Main Range which will have 200 yard targets, plenty of movement, and multiple mag changes.
The September 25th Night Match will be six pistol stages and two rifle stages. Rifle is optional and scored separately. Rifle will be shot after the pistol match.
Another update and shameless bump:

Here is a first look at the new T-shirts we had made for our rifle match. These will be available for sale at the match. For those that pre-register and pay in advance you will receive a free shirt. Information on pre-registering will be posted soon.

Elzetta is donating a ZFL-M60 flashlight for us to give away at our night match again this year. Keep in mind that IDPA rules only allow prizes to be given away randomly so everyone has an equal chance to win.

Be sure and support those companies that support the shooting sports.
Just a reminder. The night match is Saturday September 25th. Please BACK your vehicles into the parking space. That way if you leave before others do your headlights won't be an issue.
Thanks to everyone that attended the night match. Also a big thanks to ElZetta for their support. Remember ElZetta for all your tactical lighting needs.


The winner of the ElZetta ZFL-M60 flashlight and ZORM mount was Chip from Nashville. Congrats Chip!

UPDATE on the Saturday October 30th Rifle Match:
Today we completed work on our new shoot house. We will be adding an eighth stage to the match incorporating the shoot house and a jungle walk. This will be a lot of fun.

Ammo Note:
One stage will be shot at steel targets. Steel core ammunition will not be allowed on this stage. Bring at least 30 rounds of lead core ammo.

The rifle match is this Saturday October 30th. The weather is looking great for this match.

We have eight fun stages on tap for your shooting pleasure. Round count will be right at 200, but bring at least 250.