Speaking of meat...


New member
My favorites, of the American game I have sampled to date are, in this order:
Buffalo (oh, alright, American Bison)
Slow Elk

As far as the flappers go, they all tatse like chicken, but the best is Grouse. Pheasant is a close second.
Dove is third.
Duck is OK, as is Goose, but they are far from favorites.
For what it is worth, my favorites in order are:
White Tail Deer
Mule Deer
Big Horn Sheep

My favorite birds:
Hog ( young )
Whitetail (properly prepared..)


Are you serious?
You've really eaten bobcat?!?!?!?!?

Well, come on what's it taste like?(le'me guess, chicken)

Very Curiously,
yeah, really.. I think I had mountian lion too, ut I don;t really remember enough to post an opinion. It was at some banquet.

I had the Bobcat at a guys house down in Alabama.. it was actually pretty "sweet" tasting and stringy. He had cooked it in a skillet with a little garlic. It wasn;t too bad tasting, but the consistency was odd.
Well, I guess I might as well try it sometime, after all, I have had menudo(tastes good as long as you don't think about what it is)

It figures that somebody in Alabama would cook bobcat, Alabama folks are kinda strange.(just kiddin' my best friend lives in HueyTown just outside of Birmingham)

See ya,
Sitka blacktailed deer will put any other wild meat to shame, don't know why but its true.
hite tails
Caribou (livery if you get a bull - nice if you get a summer bull or cow any time)

For little critters its hard to beat a fall snowshoe rabbit fried like chicken.

A Filipino friend chases all the fox trappers around asking for the meat - foxes here eat fish and smell like a marines socks after a 10 day field exercise but he says its even better than dog - I've never tried fox but did sample dog a couple times in Korea.
Dogs not bad at all, it tastes like pork but stringier.
Then theres muskrat but I'd rather not talk about that.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: members.xoom.com/keithrogan
I forgot all about Rabbits and quirrels.. I guess rabbits fit in above the cat and squirrels were about equal to the cat or just below...


You mean you ate one of those young hispanic Pop singers ????

Rob, I didn't think about that, pretty funny. Guess I should of explained more. Menudo, to put it plainly, is a soupy kind of dish with the main ingredient being entrails. I know it sound terrible to eat guts, but its really not bad if prepared correctly. Most folks living in the vicinity of Mexico have heard of it but few admit to eating it.

See ya,
Menudo is great for curing hangovers. At least that I what all my Hispanic friends tell me.
Paul B.
Mountain lion is the best. Sweet, and not tough. White tail vs mule deer? Well, depends on what they've been eating. My basic nod goes to the mulie.

Quail! And more quail! And since blues are about half again the size of a bobwhite, I'll just keep putting henscratch on my porch!

Is it huntin' season, yet? This is making me hongry!

Later, Art
Dall sheep
moose ribs/well-aged backstrap
Sitka blacktail
caribou-I just love 'em
young mt. goat
snowshoe rabbit
gray squirrel

Gotta go bear huntin'!
Mmmmmm .... food!

Venison with a wild raspberry sauce
Young kid, satayed Indonesian-style with hot peanut sauce
Kangaroo, cooked rare with a cabernet sauvignon jus
Rabbit casseroled with bacon, vegetables and raspberry jam
Crocodile, satay sticks with chili dipping sauce
Snake, barbecued in cutlets, marinated in white wine
Emu?? Available, but too strong for my tastes
Ducks?? Too oily

Greetings. It feels sooo good to be among those who enjoy fine firearms, fair chase, the stalk and in my case (a precise "kill.")
As to preferences in table fare:

1. elk (medium rare)
2. whitetail deer (medium rare)
3. feral hog (medium) *A beer or so is a
"must" here.
4. moose (medium)

For birds,

1. grouse
2. pheasant
3. bobwhite quail
4. dove (breasts wrapped in bacon)

Best to all.
I guess its my hillbilly roots, but wild pig is about the best I've had. whitetail and bison are both excellent.

I can't believe nobody has mentioned turkey for fowl. as far as I'm concerned, even domesticated turkey beats duck, goose, dove, etc.

and lets not forget seafood. lobster tails and stone crab are tops, followed by shrimp and good scallops. they only fish I get really excited for are trout and salmon.

I'm reminded of a letter to the editor send to WoodenBoat magazine. the woman wrote that a story reminded her of growing up in a fishing village in Maine. as a child she was so envious of her rich neighbors being able to afford store-bought baloney for sandwiches, whereas her mother could only afford to make lobster sandwiches.

Yes!!!! Oh, mate -- I'd forgotten. When I was a kid (50s - 60s) here in Perth, "crayfish" (Western Rock Lobster) were "poor people's food" and sold for the equivalent of about 25c a pair!!. Chooks (chicken), however, were reserved for the rich, or for "special" occasions.

How times change ......

my favorites= pheasant, quail, ducks [teal, wood, mallard] rabbit [cottontail], goose [flying carp?] venision, catfish. 12-34hom bon - appetite - out.
Anyone ever tried a feathered rat (pigeon)?

Also, anyone know of the latest news regarding prions causing mad cow/mad deer disease in the U.S.?
Feral Rock Dove (common pigeon) is excellent meat. Very dark, and exactly like a very fat mourning dove. I use them to extend my shooting when I'm dove hunting. They have 3-4 times the meat of a mourning dove, and in TX, you can shoot as many as you want (introduced species.).

Very good sauteed with jalepenos and caramelized onions over rice.