spas shotgun


New member
I stopped in a gunshop in Savannah Ga last Friday that had one of these. Does anyone have any info on them? The price seemed astronomical-$1300. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Byerly
Byerly, click on and look at the information there on the SPAS-12. There is a want ad section that should give you an idea of the going rate for one. Since they're no longer imported to the USA they won't be cheap. Hope this helps!

Steve Mace

After today, its all historical
SPAS-12, that thing should be a crew served weapon. For $1300 you could get an 11-87 and an 870, and have plenty of $ left to buy ammo. If you carried them both you would have auto and pump capabilities, and together they would weigh less than the SPAS-12! ;)

Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war.
I've got to agree with Rex. For $1k you could get a postban Benelli M3S90. Have the same capabilities for alot less weight, less money, and have a much better weapon to boot.

I've never understood the need for a combo pump/auto for non LE use. The only thing it's good for is if you are using specialty loads that won't cycle an auto (like door busters). It just seems like alot of additional weight and money for the "gee wiz" factor. I'll take a M1S90 any day of the week.


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
Yeah, I'd pass unless you just have to be an extra from the Terminator :)

I had a SPAS-12 back in college that I traded an old parts kit AR for. I wish I'd had kept the AR :(

The gun looks very cool. That's it's strongest selling point. It just looks bad.

After that, it's sorta downhill. It's big, it's haevy and it's picky about ammo. It'll only cycle reliably on semi-auto with high brass laods. In the pump mode it's sort of awkward. To reload you need to flip the gun upside down and depress a release button in order to stuff shells into the tube. Mine button was way to stiff to do this in the firing position using your index finger. I had to get a thumb on it to release it.

In the end, I bought a Winchester Defender. It was lighter, more reliable, had a better balance to it and worked better. Since then I've gotten an 870 but either gun was much better than the SPAS IMO and both cost a lot less.

I agree with the general sentiment here. If you must have dual mode by a Benelli M-3. If not get an 870 pumpgun or an 11-87 from Scattergun Tech. Of, if you want to save a lot of bucks just buy a stock 870 or 11-87 Police model.
I bought my SPAS 12 for $500 several years ago for its collectability. I agree with what's been said regarding its weight, etc. But, it is unique and no longer readily available, so the price will inevitably rise. I don't see someone whipping out the SPAS to shoot a bad guy or carrying it in the car "just in case". It also draws dirty looks at the skeet range due to its "unconvetional" appearance.
I had a friend who just sold one at a gun show for about $700.00...brand new. The guy had it for maybe 3-4 years, and never once fired it. Don't ask me why. If would have had the money, I would have bought it in a heart just looks cool. MO

Thanks for the posts. The benellis' have caught my eye. Got to love the way the spas looks though. Thanks, Byerly
I had one for ten years. I sold it about 6 months ago to a friend for $800 and bought a Benelli M1 super 90 tactical and very glad I did. The SPAS was a good gun but it was too heavy and not very practical. I don't miss it at all and LOVE my Benelli.
