SPAS-12 Value


New member
Hi folks,

Saw an SPAS 12 at the LGS, not sure of the model year but know it doesn't have the mythical grip safety, and does have the hook, 18 inch threaded barrel w. full length mag tube. LGS is asking $1700 for it, sounds a tad steep since most of what I've seen online (in similar very good condition) is around 12-1500.

Anyone have any input on price?
I think these can be found for around $1200. They may run at $1700 now as there are no more left to import and they are no longer produced. The question you have to ask yourself... is the SPAS 12 worth it at any price?

I would pass.
Thanks for the confirmation. I just liked the semi+pump concept (already have semis and pumps for more just for collection sake), though perhaps the Benelli M3 might be a better option.

Now, the SPAS 12 has a certain "allure" due to it's use in so much media and being such a recognizable firearm (at the LGS, another customer asked if that was for hunting dinosaurs of course...), but I don't know that it's worth the higher price for it.
You could always see if there is any wiggle room on the price. I don't know enough about that particular shotgun to have any input on the price. However I've paid a little more for guns in the past because I was able to hold/inspect that particular gun and know exactly what I'm getting. Plus anything online you have to account for shipping and transfer fees. (Maybe not to the tune of 3-500)

If they have been sitting on it for a while they may be willing to come down some if it's not a consignment piece. I've always thought those were a unique shotgun and would love to own one someday myself. I can say if you see something you really want to get it, I'm still kicking myself in the behind over a $700 Luger I kept saying "next week" on (but that's a different subforum)