I have an older Baikal SxS 12ga from back when they were being imported by EAA. The Spartan guns are made by Baikal and are pretty much the same guns they've always been, as far as I know Remington just took over importation and put it in the contract that they give the Spartan name guns better fit and finish, so they're a little nicer looking. The Baikal I have is pretty nice for the money, I've seen alot worse. Of course I've seen alot nicer. But I like the Baikal because it is a workhorse, the action's a little tight but it will solid shoot. And I can do things with it I would be loathe to do with a pricier double, i.e. knocking it about the woods getting dirty and scratched up. Like I said, for the money they're good little guns.