Spartan Assosiates training course


I took a class titled "Tactical Handgun" today that Spartan Assosiates out of Columbia,SC had at our range in Augusta today. It was about an eight hour course, 400 or so rounds , that covered basic handgun techniques, tactical/emergency reloads, stoppage identification/resolution, marksmanship fundamentals, shooting on the move, and a few other things I cannot think of right now.
I guess the biggest thing that sticks in my mind is the stoppage clearings, relaods, and drawing the weapon with the weak hand only. These are things I haven't trained much with in the past, and have never thought about how to draw with my weak hand. All in all it was a great day, and a great session, thanks to my wife who surprised me with it.
If any of you are in the area of Columbia,SC it would be worth checking into their classes. They traveled a little over an hour to bring the class to our club, and I am sure similar arrangements can be made if you have the interest. Their website is and the email is Let them know the guys at Pinetucky appreciated them enough to reccomend them.