spanish pistols


New member
can anyone itentify the two pistols below. the top one has is a bouble barrel 4 inch length. looks to be an approx 45 cal smooth bore. The bottom one is a double barrel marked on the top of the barrel Pistoles Central J.A. and 45 cal. There is a proof mark of a kinghts head in armor. Great Grandfather brought them over from spain 60 plus years age. no other markings visible. on the top one when the hammers are pulled back the triggers drop down from inside the frame. The triggers on the bottom one are two stage triggers.


  • joe.jpg
    120.1 KB · Views: 65
These fall into the same general group as the shotgun described above, but appear to be genuinely old. The bottom one originally had a trigger guard which is now missing. Again, they are interesting, and undoubtedly have great family value to you, but would have little or no collector interest even if in good shape.

The top gun appears to be a pinfire from the shape of the hammers.

The knight's head is the post 1931 Eibar proof mark.

The word "pistoles" is Catalan for pistols, where was your Great Grandfather from?
1931 was the year that the nationals entered Catalonya and the year my mother was born (she lives here with me) I have seen this kind before in a museum in Barcelona. I don't know much about names or anything like that, just what I've seen.