spanish 12ga shotgun shells at walmart


New member
i tried two boxs of the spanish 12ga shells sold at walmart, one oz 7.5 at 1315 fps and shot a 23-25 and a 25-25 with my browning BT-100, they shot very clean. they sell for about 6.00 a box, not must more than the federal loads. eastbank.
sorry i forgot to name them, thanks dreaming. that was the first time i used them and they smoked the birds. eastbank.
For skeet and close range shooting, cheap shells are great. But, if the Pellets are not very round and the wads not consistant, or the powder not consistant then long range shots don't hold together as well. Digweed uses high end shot for his 130 yard shots not the cheap stuff.

But for most of us, we can't tell the difference.
Digweeds budget for shooting is probably a lot higher than most of ours. One step from shooting gold pellets. Walmart lead will suffice for a lot of us.
i,m not a super fast shooter and break most birds at about 32-35 yds from the 16yd line and a few past 40yds and those shells smoked them when i was on. useing the cheap federal walmart loads i have shot a 25-25,50-50,74-75 and ended up with a 97-100. the three i missed would not have been broken with any kind of shot what so ever, be they gold, silver, copper or nickle plated shot. i,m going to buy a few more boxes of the spanish shells and try them again. by the way where in the hell do you shoot 130yds at any clay games? . eastbank.
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with gold plated slugs? i have been hit with #6 shot at 100-110 yds while rabbit hunting and it didn,t even sting thu my canvess hunting coat. eastbank.
Last weekend I bought 2-25 round boxes of Suprema 00-buck for about $12 each. Spent a couple of hours shooting with my dad on Sunday and I can say that for the price, these shells are a no-brainer. It's cheap training/range ammo, ran through my 870P without a hitch.

One thing worth mentioning, though - one of the features listed on the side of the box is a "one-piece plastic wad". I know Rio and Federal use a wad like this (Federal being arguably the best buckshot on the market with their Flite Control wad), but without dissecting a shell, I'm skeptical. Pull the trigger and boom - a little bit of paper confetti comes out along with the shot. Is their one-piece plastic wad sharing space with some paper wadding, or is the writing on the box just plain wrong? I don't know. But, as I said - the shells ran very well through my shotgun and I'll buy them again.