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Spam mail from "einstein":


Is anyone else getting spam mail/ PM's from "einstein" who joined on 070710?

His crap:

I'm new here and just wanted to say "hi"

How's it going?

"Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things as a meaningful unity" - Albert Einstein

Looks like he just sent you a friendly "hello" PM and the Buddhist stuff is his signature.

If you don't want to receive PMs, disable them in your control panel. If you don't want to receive PMs from him, ask him to stop.

I very much doubt that it is just a friendly hello

I also got it.

If you google the web-site he offers (google it as an "exact phrase) you will find that this has been happening in other forums as well.

It would appear fundamentally to be a web-page lure. I would think twice, and eight times, before visiting that web page.
It was a PM

It was a PM

(Added a few minutes later):

And here's something rather disturbing.

You see, I have - strictly speaking - two forum names:




"rustry_sytes" exists because I fat-fingered the first time I tried to do "rusty_sytes"; I told a moderator about it right away, and asked them to get rid of it (and am still waiting for that.)

Meanwhile, I went ahead and managed (rolls eyes) to implement "rusty_sytes" without spelling it wrong.

So I have never posted under "rustry_sytes" and its total usage-time, if you can call it that, amounts to about 75 seconds.

But "einstein" PM'd me at **both** user-names.
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Thanks Blues Man/ Dave!

I didn't mean to start an uproar, but figured it was out of the norm & just wanted to see if it was just me or if we have some idiot w/ to much time on his hands or testing his time wasting programs. If the latter, you would be able to ban him right away b4 he kept on. Why do people try to hose up or waste our time w/ such nonsense???

Anyway, if it wasn't just me, I wanted the Admin to know about it. As rusty stated above, it is only PM's.

Thanks 4 looking into this Blues Man/ Dave! & Thanks to MDman 4 the welcome message.

Good day to all!
Re "As rusty stated above, it is only PM's"

No offense, I add this in only a friendly way: to _me_, _my_ mileage on that is that by using PM's, it's _more_ like "einstein" is trying to get as much as he can, of whatever this game is, before he gets on the radar.

Oh, and, if you _hadn't_ "started an uproar" (such as it is) I _would_ have; because, you see, I got these PMs and I specifically came to this branch of the forum to post a warning about them, and it was only because I accordingly found that you had already opened the topic that I joined in here, instead - but otherwise, I _would_ have started a thread.
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"Why do people try to hose up or waste our time"

While I dislike spam in all of its forms, I do cut some slack to people I feel are sincerely dedicated.

For example, I used to buy many Tyler Grip Adapters for my K-Frame SWs. With each package I received some Christian literature and the story on how the founder operated his company by those ideals.

Well, I think it's a good idea to be guided in your business, as well as your private life.

A friend of mine is a Buck Knife distributor. He went to a SHOT show and was invited to a Christian breakfast with the owners of Buck.

I run my business as a Christian company. Granted, I don't hang up huge signs, but I'll discuss spiritual ideas if the client chooses.

All you have to do is quickly delete all enties of spam. I have a dummy hotmail account just for that issue.

But sometimes it might be a good idea to listen to how a man formed his company or changed his life. You can always politely bid him good-bye and be on your way.

Then again, something might touch your heart.
Thanks for taking care of it, Dave. I got a PM from pogostick this morning about the same PM, but I was running out the door at the time.

rusty_sytes - since your first registration was in error, I have deleted it. If you wish, you can use the email address which appeared to be your first choice. Let me know if you want to change it.

Thanks to the staff for looking into this and thanks for the other members for bringing it to others attention.

Anyway, I googled the link in the PMs too and it seemed that somebody was running a spam bot that goes through and registers on different forums then sends PMs to members with the mentioned link that probably redirects to another site.

All the recipients seem to be Junior Members (I got one too) Nice little tactic for a spammer, sending it only to those most likely to respond to the outstreched hand.