SP101 hammer change


New member
Can an SP101 with a bobbed hammer be converted to the non bobbed hammer just by replacing the hammer? Is any special fitting required?

I haven't had any revolvers with bobbed hammers. But I compared a Colt and SP101 that had them. The the colt could still be cocked single action (though I wouldn't do it with such a hammer) but the Ruger was double action only. Would a simple hammer swap in the Ruger allow it to be cocked single action, or are there more differences internally?
Good luck! I thought of switching from the standard to the spurless hammer a few years ago. But Ruger would not sell a spruless hammer, nor would they change the gun over at the factory. Nor would they sell me a spurred hammer. Ruger is very funny about selling some parts. If anybody knows where a Ruger SP101 hammer can be bought I'd sure like to know.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but it's my understanding that the two hammers are different in relation to the cocking notches. I've noticed several parts on the parts list that say factory installation only, apparently for reliability and safety reasons.
What would it cost to have a good 'smith bob your existing hammer?
Thanks for the answer. I've thought of that. In fact I don't really think it would be a major challenge to bob the hammer myself. However, I always like to have a spare "just in case" before I mess around with it plus it would allow me the option of changing back. So I sure would like to find another hammer, probably the origional spurred type would be best based on your info.
The fact that I may not like it is what's kept me from having the hammer on mine bobbed. A spare would be nice, Numrich lists a replacement for $16.40. There is a note in the catalog that this part is "normally factory fitted" and supplies are limited.
I've read different things about this subject, and this is what I've gleened from it so far.

Ruger will not sell you a replacement hammer (full to bobbed or vice versa). I've heard they will swap them at the factory - but then someone here said they tried and they wouldn't do it. Guess you would just need to call them for yourself - perhaps someone more understanding will pick up the phone.

It's not just a straight swap. Apparently there are differances in the lock works that have to be changed too.

I opted for the spurred hammer on mine. I don't really consider the SP101 to be a pocket gun due to its weight. The normal carry holster I have is an IWB - and its never snagged coming from under a shirt or jacket. When hiking or otherwise the attire permits I'll drop it into a fanny pack. Very, very occasionally an ankle holster works - but again I find it to be a bit heavy for that - and the spur will snag the cuff of your pants if you're not careful.

Some years ago I saw a prototype SP101 with a rounded button type hammer spur. Kind of like those you see on combat/carry auto loaders (IE chopped 1911 Colts & Walther PPK's). Looks a little odd. But for this particular gun it seemed to make perfect sense. Too bad they didn't go into production with it. Maybe there are some after market suppliers out there though.
I wanted the spurred hammer, but found a deal on a used one with a bobbed hammer. While a spurred hammer could easily be taking to a grinder and turned into a bobbed hammer, the opposite would be a little more difficult. It seems metal could be welded, but it would be pointless since the hammer still wouldn't be able to be cocked single action anyway.

Is it just Ruger or are do other manufacturers withhold such parts too? Any aftermarket parts available? I understand the part may need some fitting, but there are lots of other gun parts that do that are readily available.