- Organizing to support your gun rights

We'd like to let everyone know about a new community we're building for gun owners of Arizona, Nevada, and Utah --

The primary purpose of this regional community is to bring gun owners together on a regional level to better fight anti-gun legislation. By increasing communication between ourselves we'll be better organized and more effective in reaching our goals of preserving the 2nd Amendment on the state level.

Along with this we also have a free classified section, maps to outdoor shooting locations, business and product reviews, and much more.

Take a look and let us know what you think.
2nd sojourn said:
Colorado got overrun by immigrants from California.
All the more reason they need a grassroots organization to help beat back the rising tide of intolerance. Last I knew, New Mexico was certainly considered part of the "southwest," so was Texas, and if Nevada and Utah can be, why isn't Colorado?
…the rising tide of intolerance.


Neither Colorado nor California are ‘intolerant’; both states’ firearm regulatory measures comport with current Second Amendment jurisprudence, until the Supreme Court rules otherwise.
Oh sure, California is very tolerant. You can carry your gun as long as you are in your home. You can't take it outside because open carry is illegal and concealed carry requires a permit that is only provided if you have what the issuer considers an immediate need. There are counties that will issue a permit but that permit may or may not be valid in another county.

I can easily see where the California tolerance meets the established jurisprudence and the original intent of the second amendment.:rolleyes:
Well, that sure is a problem solution, we start fighting amongst our selves on a thread about a news of a new organization willing to fight for our second amendment rights. If you don't think that is relevant, here is a little wake up call.
South Dakota is a sparsely populated conservative state, not to long removed from the Wild West days. They have a republican governor, both houses are republican controlled, the state voted overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump. They are noted for being a republican controlled state for many decades. I also believe that previous Gov. Joe Foss was President of the NRA some years back. They are considered a gun friendly state and enjoy a A rating with the NRA.

This past week there was a bill that was relaxing conceal carry laws in the state and would allow open carry in the state. Results; the Govenor vetoed it!
So in my opinion, we are in big trouble with out question. We need all the people and support we can muster. And it is all going to come from no one else except us. We will need to depend on each other. No political party machine is going to save us, you can move to any part of the country you want, it won't matter because change is taking place all over.
We need to band together, unite, work together, and support each other. Most important of all POLICE your self and your actions. Having mouth fights on the internet only serves to divide us.
Lucas McCain said:
This past week there was a bill that was relaxing conceal carry laws in the state and would allow open carry in the state. Results; the Govenor vetoed it!
So in my opinion, we are in big trouble with out question. We need all the people and support we can muster. And it is all going to come from no one else except us. We will need to depend on each other. No political party machine is going to save us, you can move to any part of the country you want, it won't matter because change is taking place all over.
We need to band together, unite, work together, and support each other. Most important of all POLICE your self and your actions. Having mouth fights on the internet only serves to divide us.
Agreed. What was it that Ben Franklin said? Oh, yes:

"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."

It's not a new concept, but it's becoming important again. It has been commented, here and on other "gun" forms, many times that the net effect of the myriad of anti-gun laws around the country (with more coming at us every year) is to make each and every one of us who has ever touched a firearm guilty of something. How many of us have never broken at least one tiny gun control law? I know I have. Of course, I didn't know it at the time -- I found out much later that some towns in my state have local ordinances prohibiting carry (or concealed carry) on public streets. Presto -- drive through one of those towns with a loaded firearm on your belt, and you've broken the law. Only a misdemeanor offense, but an offense, nonetheless.

That's the kind of silliness we need to be pushing back against. A constitutionally-guaranteed right should not be so heavily regulated that honest people can inadvertently be made into lawbreakers without even knowing it.
The city and county of Denver is a place where firearm freedom is restricted. The rest of Colorado is more permissive.
It's legal in Colorado to carry a loaded handgun in your car, but most cops aren't good with that and WILL harass you.
The OP hasn't returned, and this is turning into an off-topic free-for-all, so... closed.

I'm reopening this at the request of the OP, so he can respond. Keep the discussion on topic, please. Hint: it's more specific than "gun rights" (questions or comments about the scope of the OP's forum are fine, other stuff, not so much).

And for the record, I'm making an exception to our general policy against discussing other forums here, by way of welcoming the "new kid on the block." So, for a limited time only, have at it... :)
Thank you for reopening this Evan. I appreciate the staying on topic as well.

Great question about the other states. As much as we'd like to encompass the entire Southwest from the start, through our Northwest organization we've found that it's best to narrow our focus early on. Once things get rolling we'd like to expand to New Mexico and Colorado. Keep in mind that everyone is welcome regardless of your location :)

I forgot to subscribe to this thread before but I am now, so feel free to ask other questions.
What "Northwest organization"? Who is "we"?

I thought this Southwest Firearms was a new, grassroots organization. So, my first problem is that you call it "Southwest Firearms" but you don't include the whole of the southwest. And now it appears that it's not a new organization, or it's a new offshoot of some other (unidentified) organization, or ...

Why don't you back up and tell us exactly who and what you are, who is behind Southwest Firearms, and anything else you left out of your opening post. This reminds me of something that took place decades ago, when I was still married to my ex-wife. She was a high school teacher. We attended a social event of some kind with a bunch of other teachers, and we were introduced to a young woman who was new to our state and who expressed an interest in networking. We told her we could happily connect her with a number of networking groups oriented to the area in which she was interested. Her response?

"Oh, I don't want to join someone else's network. I want to start my OWN network."

Some people don't seem to quite understand what "networking" is all about. I'm sorry if I come across like a skeptical curmudgeon but, after all, that's what I am so why hide it? I get nervous when something new comes along and potentially salient information is hidden.
I completely get where you're coming from :)

Evan was nice enough to leave this thread up because he thought getting the word out about Southwest Firearms was worthwhile. I didn't want to overstep that generosity by mentioning the Northwest site. Being vague was definitely not my intention.

Since you asked, my name is Joe Link, I founded Northwest Firearms back in 2008 with exactly the same goals, fighting anti-gun legislation and increase firearm-related volunteer efforts through partnerships with state and federal forests and other organizations. These outreach efforts and partnerships have been very successful in the Northwest, and now we're looking to do the same for our brothers down south ;)
I see no point in arguing about what should be included in "Southwest".
Doing so, especially with an argument for Texas (dead-center in the continent), is going to be as fruitful as arguing that California shouldn't be included, 'because they're stupid'. *(See below.)

If you want to join, then join.
Why give the guy a hard time about his definition of "Southwest"?

The same arguments were presented by many parties when Northwest Firearms (NWF) was started.
"Colorado should be here, because _____."
"Why can't California play? They have more in common with the Pacific Northwest than the other states on their borders."
"Montana always gets left out of Northwest. Why aren't we included?!"

And the first appearance of SWF had the same crap:
"Why is Colorado included, but not Wyoming?"
"Oklahoma feels more like Utah than it does like Arkansas. Why can't we be included."
"Can we kick California out? They're stupid and I don't want them here." (*Nearly verbatim. Seriously. :rolleyes:)

The guy started some forums, with the intention of having a narrower, regional focus than the bigger nation-wide forums on the 'net (like TFL, THR, ARF, etc.). One of them (NWF) did very well. The other (SWF) had to be allowed to wither and die, for various reasons.
Now, it is back, and he's trying to get people interested.

Take what he's offering, or stay on the path you've already chosen.
Nothing good will come from arguing over trivial things.
A few photos of our Northwest events:




  • Your domain ends with .com, suggesting a commercial oranization rather than non-profit. Is Southwest Firearms (or the Northwest parent organization) a non-profit? If so, what type? If so, has the IRS recognized you?
  • Who are the principals of the organization(s)?
  • Do any of the people behind this/these organization(s) draw compensation from the organizations, or from the web site?
  • Who is behind this other than Joe Link?
  • Where are you located? If you are in the Northwest, why are you starting an organization in the Southwest?
I'm sorry, but I remain skeptical.