Southern Party - Another option?

Dale Rabideau

New member

Just read about this. For those in the 16 states where the Southern Party is being registered, is this a more viable third party than the Libertarian Party?

They specficially mention the 2nd Amendment in their FAQ. Eventual goal is political session from the Union.
I personally like the idea myself, but we'll just have to wait and see. the party would have to have significant numbers elected in at least 15 states (don't know if you could get them in Fla.), then they could vote as a block which would carry some weight. but they're just getting started and i really don't see how they could way in too much in the upcomming elections.JMO

I just have to ask this. Dale, you wouldn't be from La. would ya'?? I mean a name like that just screams south La. :)

what me worry?

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited August 08, 1999).]
I find it difficult to believe that one could work within the current political system with separation as the goal. Can you imagine how the Southern Party would be portrayed by the media?
I like any movement that will bring states rights issues into the spotlight. I checked out their web page, and like most of what they say. I think I'll move to Dixie.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
Its aready started, as I was waking up this morning i heard on the radio a representative of the naacp commenting that the party was racist, complete with the confederate battle flag as a symbol------there is one interesting note concerning that flag(imo), the flag had not been incorporated by the southern states that have it in there state flag or fly it over there capitol until the civil rights movement of the 60's. That came from a show on the radio a while back and I have not personally evaluated the truth of it, does anyone out there know if that is true? The point was made that the incorporation of the battle flag by the southern states was seen as a unifying move against the civil rights movement. We all know were the naacp stand with regards to the 2nd amendment, the durn fools are sueing gun manufacturers, in spite of the historical evidence which should have them running contrary to that position.
I wonder if the southern party should maybe have used a different symbol---thats a heck of a road block to get over and will most likely alienate a large section of the voting public....althugh would the members of the naacp change partys anyway?....fubsy.
Yep, the flag is sure to make some people mad and uncomfortable. But i believe this is not because of the war for southern independence, but for the more recent rash of hate groups who for some reason decided to use it for their cause. to most down here it represents their heritage, the pride in their ancesters standing up to the big repressive government of the north. sound familiar? they have alot of work to yet before they are even a mild threat to anyone, but i imagine i'll support them when i can. hell, it can't hurt!!

what me worry?
I for one am all for seceding from the Union. But, It will be some time before the Southern party has enough strength to be any real threat to government.

As for the Confederate Battle Flag, I love it. To any true southerner its a symbol of what government should be. Its about heritage, not hate.

BTW: The only other president to ever be impeached was Andrew Johnson of Tennessee. He took office after Lincoln was assasinated. What was his crime you ask? He used his power as President to curb the carpetbaggers efforts to rape the South during reconstruction. Seems the yankee congress didn't like losing the opportunity to legaly screw over half the nation. He was found not guilty. But it kept him from stopping the pillage of the South.
Longhair, I have many distant Cajun cousins in southern LA but my great grandpappy came from Quebec.

Concerning the choice of the Confederate flag, it is a two edged sword. It would appeal to the constituents most interested in the Southern Party platform. I agree with there explanation that just because some hate groups use a symbol, it does not mean everyone who uses the symbol is part of a hate group. But this will be a stumbling block for the simple minded.

For instance, we visited the Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD and saw a picture in 1908 of the Corn Palace with a swastica on it. Well this was several decades before the Nazis chose this symbol. The symbol is and Indian symbol for good luck if I recall correctly. Anyway, after the Nazis, many hotels and other places had to change their floor tile designs, etc. Some Indians still use the symbol.

Concerning the SP's affect on the national elections in 2000, it will be minimal. I do think they can affect local and state wide elections if they organize and use the Internet well, and have good candidates. The main stream press will have a difficult time portraying them in a postitive light.
I'm in favor of any party for state's rights and would be a monkey wrench in this socialist progression.

If so many faux-commies weren't running things I doubt the South would sincerely wish to it stands, I'd like to secede...the free Republic of Central California :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Fine by me so long as it's peaceful. The last try was too bloody.

Besides, who amongst us would object if New York or Mass succeeds from the Union? Good way to dump Schumer and Kennedy. Come to think of it, KA should go too. That'll free up the rest of the nation and the Senate of Boxer and Feinstein. Gee, can an out-of-stater vote another state out of the Union?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

[This message has been edited by 4V50 Gary (edited August 09, 1999).]
Dale i had to ask. i worked in New Orleans and saw and heard a whole bunch of names similar to your's that i couldn't pronounce :D

what me worry?
I believe some areas of this corporate government are now feed up with the beast system from Washington and would condider some type of regional confederations. Many of the mountain states seem to be disgusted with the central government for a variety of reasons. THe Plain States also have seen the small farmers destroyed by design by the corporate Federal government. Except for Texas and Maybe Alabama, I think the South would be third in any move to break away or from some type of confederation. That is why I think the NWO has to make its moves soon as the masses are coming on line day by day and are understanding the real intents of the Federals in the District of Criminals.
While the naacp and other Supposed civil libertys groups make such an Issue to supress the confederate flag. and They want the freedom to express their Heritage. Who are they to deny the Southerners the right to be proud of their heritage. We dont make demands of the ethnic groups to "bend" to speaking Proper english or dress in other wardrobe if it offends us. What gives them the right to demand for us to give up all and deliver it unto them. I am proud of the confederate flag and will fly it. and if they want they can fly the afro flag or whatever floats their boat....Dont tread on me
They cannot effect separation from the Union by mere parlimentary procedure. It takes brute force, which means organized military resistance. They could not do it in the 1860s, so what chance do they have now? None. People should not be seduced into believing political change may be had by espousing romantic fantasies.

It only takes one bullet to change your life.
Dale Rabideau, I think the swastica type symbol is common to some Southwestern Tribes. I am an amateur historian, but I remember Zuni blankets that represented some stories in their mythology about the divergence of the people to the north and east, east and south, ect.(Think of Four Corners, NM.) In Art School I was told of New York gallery owners who came to areas like Taos to buy up Indian Folk Art who were appalled at some blankets because of the symbol; which was much older than the nazi insignia. The conflict over flags has always puzzled me. I think of them in general as military symbols. The Confederate "Battle" flag is the most maligned in our coumtry. None of the groups who have adopted this symbol or manipulated its' meaning have much understanding about its' historical meaning. Flags are benign symbols during peace except on days of remembrance which are important. During war, they have an immense emotional and utilitarian purpose on the battlefield. Anybody actually listen to the words of the national anthem before a ball game lately? We raise our flag to an ode to a battle won. The Stars and Bars don't represent evil. Yes, slavery is evil(it still exists today), but that is not why that flag was sewn, nor that great sad war fought. Not in the least. Flags are the property of warriors who allow us to maintain them in their honor. I say it is a smaller price to pay.
This article looks at our dilema from a different perspective. I think some good points are raised concerning alternatives between the Right and the Left. For the non-christian among us, don't let the latter half of the article diminish the thoughts of the first half.

Militias on a Toot

We have a lot of guns in this country, and some folks out in the fever swamps are starting to brandish them. Of course matters are not helped any by the monkeyshines of assorted federal agencies, but the glory of a wingnut is that he is always able to make his case whether or not the raw material is there for it. We happen to live in a time of clear and increasing tyranny in our country; and so, of course, the raw material is plentiful. The humanistic right-wing underground press is therefore able to make conspiratorial hay out of it. Identifying tyranny in a time like ours is kind of like hitting the ground with your hat, but illiterate fanatics breathlessly do so anyway. The news is over a century old.

The politics of unbelieving modernity are defined by the terms left and right . What few realize is that the historic and practical origin of both terms came from the seating of representatives following the French Revolution. Those who sat on the right were the moderate revolutionaries, and those on the left were the radical revolutionaries. But they were all revolutionaries. These
categories spilled over to our country when it came time for our French Revolution"commonly called the Civil War. In that War, the Old Republic died. The radical Republicans of Reconstruction were the left-wing revolutionaries, and Lincoln was the moderate "with malice toward none" revolutionary.

Even to think in such terms as left and right is to grant the central premise of that Revolution. Right wing "radicals"Newt, Rush, et al claim to be fighting for traditional values when they are actually trying to return to an earlier phase of the Revolution. Why should we as Christians want to do that?

After the Fall, God established a redemptive antithesis in the world between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent,
between the righteousness of law and the righteousness of faith. Those we call leftists and rightists consistently misplace that antithesis, making the fundamental and undeniable division among men tribal, or economic, or ideological. Befuddled liberals
in the middle deny there is an antithesis. "We're all saying the same thing, really! Maybe we should sing 'We Are the World' a few
more times."

The center of our culture is starting to give way, as all idols will, and as one wag put it during a corresponding point in the
dissolution of the British Empire, "Everything is at sea except for the fleet." We are in this condition because we do not want a sure word from God we do not want Christ to reign over us. We love our relativism but are distressed by the fruit of it. Trying to scramble back to an earlier stage in our disobedience is no solution, no repentance, at all.

The division is not right and left. Rather the antithesis is up and down, right and wrong, biblical and unbiblical, believing and
unbelieving, good and evil. Christians are in far greater danger of being seduced by the right than by the left. Repentance is long overdue.

Douglas Wilson

[This message has been edited by Dale Rabideau (edited August 13, 1999).]
I have a picture of Jackie Kennedy as a young girl with a Indian dress with a swaskita on it. The Greeks, Romans, Chinese , Indians of India and North America, Finns, Germans, and countless other races had the swastika as a symbol. It has been a good luck symbol for thousnads of years. The 45th Division out of Oklahoma and New Mexico had the Swastika as its patch until 1942 when it went overseas and changed its patch to the Thunderbird. A irony of history is the fact that the 45th liberated a Nazi camp, Dachau ,and unfortunately executed 300 German prisoners. The 45th was Pattons best division by many accounts and the general let them slide after hearing about the executions. A fine old symbol was fine no more because it was used by Nazi Germany. By the way, across from the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC is a government building with the Greek- Roman Swastikas decorated all along its top side. Actually, Grec-Roman swastikas are very common designs all over this nation and elsewhere. They are found on buildings , place mats, tile, and elsewhere.