Southern ohio machine gun shoot.


New member
Was there this weekend with ASA. We got rained on late in the day and took off early but it was a great day. We got filmed shooting by the travail channel. They built a big sand sculpture for us to shoot at. It was for a season fanaly of "sand masters". I think that was the name of the show but thanks to the exploding targets we donated it lasted about five seconds after the first shot. My shoulder is one big bruse right now motly from the full auto 12 ga but the AK- 74 probably didn't help. Now we are sitting in a crappy hotell room on our way to the Dayton gun show. We had one of our guys manning the table while we were at the shoot but we have to take over for Sunday. No sleep this weekend. I'll have video of the shoot up Monday on my channel "sharpie443" and the buissness channel "ASA37mm"
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I was there too!

Man, that was a good time.

How much tannerite was in that 5 gallon bucket? Sweet jeebus, it was like the earth moved under my feet.
We gave them 50 pounds for that one. You could see the shockwave. We were going to do 100 pounds but because of the film crew they decided to go with 50. We were going to set another one off but the place turned Into a mud pit. We were soked and so were all the guns. We are going to have to spend all day at the gun show cleaning them.
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50 huh? I'd say that was enough. There was about 10 seconds before the smoke cleared enough that I could see anything to shoot at. When the shock wave from that hit our easy-up, it turned all the water on it into a fine mist. Crazyness.