Southern California Training: FTA & TopGun

I'll second what Erick has to say. Go to ITTS. Scott Reitz is one of the best out there and just fun to train with.

I've taken a course with TopGun. Enough to say, I never went back. Their training philosphy and attitudes, especially toward women (my wife was in the class), was piss poor, to say the least. Of course, that was just my experience.
Second for Bill and Scott. We also from time to time conduct training in LA so keep an eye out for our courses. Better yet, feel free to join our mailing list via our website. Good luck.

Phil, thanks for the information.
I highly recommend Scott Reitz at ITTS. Bill Murphy at FTA is also outstanding.

As far as TOP GUN, steer very clear. I will never set foot on any range occupied by the head moron at that organization.