Southern AZ Deer


New member
Hey all. I didn't get drawn for elk this year, so I need some deer advice. Im down in the Yuma area. How found herds of 5-6 does but no bucks. I am seeing mulies, but also coues but no bucks. I realize its not the rut, but I am seeing no bucks. A few fawns, so they have to be around. I am putting in for bow so I need to get fairly close (40m or less). Can anyone confirm the rut for coues and mulies down here? Also any advice on why I spend four to five hours on a horse and in the truck crawling all over that area and see no bucks? Over hunted? I mean I know they grow distant after breeding but, I am having a tough time. Am a northern Az boy, so this place is new to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Large bucks stay by themselves until pre-rut which is normally late October and November so locating them now is always difficult but not impossible. The young bucks from last year (spikes/two points) were harvested ( not all but a lot) and this years bucks are still fawns. It's warm in AZ and the bucks are up high in the trees and cool ravines. When scouting just as I do when hunting, get up early and high with a vantage point covering as much area as possible the bucks will come out and feed then retreat back to their resting areas. As you indicated you will be bow hunting look for water that will be there in the fall and prep the area prior to the hunt. Good hunting.
Ok much appreciated. I've been trying to find a water spot, or a good food spot but unfortunately I am attempting to hunt I an area that's miles upon miles of alfalfa fields and canals, and all desert on one side(YPG/ TEXAS HILL AREA I don't know if youre familiar), so I have not found the pattern on which canal they water, and they seem to feed on whatever field pleases them at the time. I will try glassing a lot more, thanks.