South Bay Open Carry Notes


New member
A group from SouthBayOpen visited the Hermosa Beach Annual Fair yesterday. I was working a booth with a friend, noticed a guy, then two, then a lady, all carrying in holsters and all obviously not LE.

I thought they might be a group doing open carry, since it recently has been such an issue here in CA. Various groups have appeared in So Cal at various venues to the great terror of state legislators and some local authorities. CA on open carry is specific and clear, but the attitude in many places among the political and "liberal, inclusive" classes quite anti. In fact one of the usual actors in the Sacramento circus proposed and nearly got passed a state-wide ban on open carry.

They had contacted the city fathers at Hermosa to tell them of their plan to appear and initially were told they would be arrested for disturbing the peach and/or disorderly conduct, for the act of appearing. No other action would be required on their part for arrest and arraingment. They very patiently and professionally educated the powers as to the actual reach of the law and this threat was removed.

The city collaborated with them to the extent of reading the law and reaching mutual clarity with them aout where they could/cound not go lawully. Their presence came off with just one or two ruffled feathers of fellow citizens who panic at the sight of a weapon not worn by a LEO. There was one I heard of, may have been more. I saw various people talking to them at times and everyone conducted themselves as complete adults.

According to the people I talked to, LE presesnt at the Fair were very supportive for the group's mature behavior and presence. This attitude seems to degrade as one rises in the poltical food chain. I am very happy that they came as Los Angeles county is very much a pay-to-play area when it comes to CCW. It takes money and connections or fame to get a license. Donald Trump has a carry permit for NYC, but average citizens have to jump through their rear ends to get a license to possess a firearm, forget carrying. If they could do it, our solons would have us in the same level of servitude.

The more times ordinary people have to understand we are not a bunch of hooligans, the better. There are some people who cannot stand the idea emotionally but I think the bulk of people, whether they own firearms and shoot or not, are less phobic. With police forces being cut, it is even more important that CA move to shall-issue on CCW. Open carry by mature, calm people who can articulate what they are doing and why can help bring that notion in from the cold and lunatic fringe.

Contacts for the group are and, if you are interested in contacting them to help you do an event in your area, questions or thoughts.