South Africa: Looking to the NRA...


New member

South African firearms dealer looks to
U.S. NRA members to save gun rights worldwide.

Editor's Comment: We received a sobering email from Mr. Alf Gray, a South African firearms dealer who
came upon our site this past week. He is asking NRA members keep up the fight to save our right to keep
and bear arms in order to save the rights of others around the world.

It's not just our rights we're fighting for folks. It is rather humbling to think others around the world
perceive us as their last hope to maintain their own individual freedoms. If we lose ours, so goes the
world. The irony of it all is, after decades of fighting socialism around the world, we find ourselves
fighting it in our own backyard.

Mr Gray's email and website address is below. You may want to submit comments to him directly or post
them on our guest book.

Ralph Weller


I have just been checking out your website and found it interesting.

As a firearms dealer, and also very new to the net, I am finding it very compulsive to look at any and all to do with
weapons. Also, I guess I must point out that as an Englishman I am something of an almost extinct species as I still carry
one of my firearms everyday - but then I live in South Africa now, and the laws here are quite different from where I
came from!

But, we too now in S. Africa are getting a taste of the anti-gun lobby, and the government has past new acts that have
yet to be enforced to control ownership here.

Needless to say, that apart from the damage being done to the industry I am a part of, I feel that I am being dictated to
by politicians again, and I do not mean just the local crop, but the likes of the Clinton mob and the Tony Blairs of this
world. People in fact, who live in a world protected by body guards and forget the fact that there are real people who
live under threat of attack every day walking the streets of their own countries.

Needless to say, all the legislation in the world will never stop the guy who goes berserk and runs amok on a killing
spree... we all know that. We know to that the politicians never tell us how many peoples lives were saved, or how
many women saved from rapists because they had a handgun or a knife to hand. But I do hear from my customers all
the time some terrible stories. I have even sold weapons to ladies who have claimed to be anti-gun until something
happens to them.

Shooting for me has been a life-long interest. It is too for a lot of other people in S. Africa, hunting, recreational shooting
and self-defence, and we will keep it that way for as long as we can - so I ask you NRA members in the USA to remember
that it is not just your fight to keep and bear arms, we, as free and law abiding citizens of other countries who are
fighting for our rights look to you as the trend setter not to lose your rights. Because, as sure as night follows day, if you
lose it will set the example for outright banning of fire arms for the rest of us.

With thanks,
Alf Gray
Oscar Arms
