Sources for your study: Conspiracy

Mike Hotel

I'd like to ask for a little lattitude from the Moderator on this post. Thanks.

Each time a discussion about politics and gun rights comes up on this forum, it seems that there is a distinctive split between those that believe that a larger plan is at work to destroy our Rights (call it a conspiracy if you wish), and those that believe we as a Nation are simply evolving coincidentally into a more Socialistic state, and this erosion of our Rights is sort of a natural progression for a modern society. My posts have always been in the former of these two sides. But I can understand the many questions, doubts, disbeliefs, and non-committal attitudes of my fellow gun enthusiasts whenever guys like myself start throwing out posts on conspiracy, CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission, The Bilderbergers, the UN, the Establishment, Elitists, the Federal Reserve, Global Monopoly, etc., because I was once there too. You all just want to see proof. You need tangible evidence.

But, part of the hurdle to overcome is the volume of information that will require your study in order for you to begin to conceptualize what is happening around us. This isn't something that you learn in 15 minutes of internet time. This may require many days, weeks, and or months of continual reading. You will find that sources of information will ultimately lead you to even more extremely interesting data. But your conclusion will no doubt be the same as mine was (after years of studying this subject). I remind you however, that you are NOT going to see live video feeds of people like Clinton accepting bribes from the Red Chinese, you are NOT going to hear live audio from a meeting with The Bilderbergers, and you will NOT be able to download photographs of your most hated anti-gun Senator shooting his pistol at the range.

Assuming you sincerely want to find out for yourself what the truth is on this subject, I have put together a starting point (not an all inclusive source by any stretch of the imagination) for your study, but you'll have to do the research reading on your own. The evidence will become clear as you develop an understanding on what we are up against. If interest is truly sincere, I will be happy to post many more web sources, book references, organizations, periodicals, etc. for your continued study.

I've always directed interested people to the organizations involved in this "conspiracy". Check out their web sites first, because they do indeed exist.

The secret society called The Order of Skull and Bones does not have their own website, but this should help...

And here is a general information source which will begin to take you on a labyrinth of related information...
"Never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity."

We don't need conspiracy tales about the Tri-Lateral Commission, The Bilderbergers, the UN, the Establishment, Elitists, the Federal Reserve, or Global Monopoly to explain the "new world order" development.

As communication and transportation become
cheaper, faster, and higher-bandwidth, more people interact. As more interact, the more they want to create procedures and policies for interaction. As more bureaucrats & politicians take on those jobs, the more they try to expand those jobs and meddle in other people's business.

We now have a high degree of interaction between countries. The leaders of those continue to act just as groups always have: they gradually develop procedures, policies, comittees, and leaders, expand their powers, and meddle in other people's business.

Yes, there will be attempts at controling markets, the strong will meddle in the affairs of the weak, leaders who agree "we should do something" will assmble a next-level police force, bribes will be taken, crimes will be committed, rights revoked and peoples oppressed. I don't need to study unverifiable, often-faked "leaked" "secret" documents to know this.

No "let's take over the world" conspiracies needed; it just happens. Human nature in action.
Concerning research, as a foreign policy buff I too have spent a good deal of time reading and researching. Concerning the Trilateral Commission, I used to get its reports from its meetings. Anyone can subscribe to these. All the organization does is discuss global issues or developments in certain countries that impact other nations. I found some its information informative.

I also subscribed to Foreign Affairs which is published by the CFR and I found the articles to have represented a variety of viewpoints.
Globalization is a process and it continues to evolve. One factor which prompted its speedy evolution is our technilogical age and the fact that certain problems are becoming global in scope.

Globalists believe that the nation state is a traditional outmoded form of government. These individuals want to empower global institutions and they use global problems to right their cause. But, there is no conspiracy. Its one side believes one way and the other side holds the other view point.

When Paxton Quigley turned from her anti-gun position, she wasn't part of the anti-gun conspiracy, she really believed in her heart she was doing the right thing, now she feels the way we do. It is the same with globalists, they believe in their heart that if nations unite they will eliminate war and other global problems.

While everyone is busy following the so called conspirators they are missing what is really happening in the world and what the in roads the globalists really have made without a conspiracy. Conspiracies develop because of lack of research. There isn't a fact that I will make on this topic that I cant point you to a publication or a public document. I have found that while the Conspiracy theorists have watched all of these so called developments they have missed what has really developed because their research was never sound. And what has come about is pretty alarming.

To prove my point, on my research vs. your research I will ask you a series of questions concerning Globalists.

1.) What is the main think tank on globalist policy and where is it located? This think tank states that its ideology is for the abolition of the nation state and the goal of a one world government.

2.) What global institution enlists key members of this think tank?

3.) What is the immediate aim of this institution i.e. what path did it decide to persue as a means to lead the world into a one world goverment?

4.) What nation publishes its journal?

5.) Which trilateral nation proposed a one world currency to underpin the GATT in the mid-eighties? (This is in a goverment document)

Those are just a few questions concerning the globalists.
I want to add that even these globalist use the term "eventual world government" because they realize that in the present geo-political landscape their goal is not realistic to be achieved any time in the near future.
In my opinion, you'll find the realistic and rational explanations in ctdonath and Donna's posts.

CONSPIRACY:1) an agreement to perofrm together an illegal, treacherous or evil act 2)an acting or combining together, as if by evil design 3) an agreement to commit a crime or to accomplish a legal purpose through illegal, underhanded or crafty action.
SYNONYMS:plot, machination, collusion, intrigue, cabal

1) Likeminded individuals, groups, agencies, etc get together to discuss and further their cause (kinda like TFL)
2) "Credibility" usually comes with longevity and hence, some degree of power
3) It is traditional and historical human nature to increase one's power by any means...manipulation, influence and legislation
4) Every single gov't entity (individual,office, agency or body) in history has always sought to increase its power
5) Groups have always cooperated with each other when it serves either or all group's self-interest....and then cease said cooperation when it threaten's self-interest.
6) By the above definition, the vast majority of business and governmental procedures can be considered conspiracy

Finally...what if it was all true, i.e the Trilaterals or Bilderbergers for example were doing all that is attributed to them. What can you do, other than what we already do....i.e attempt to stop or frustrate their plans? Wanna hunt them down? Who are they? How many key members are there? How do you get them all?

The only thing we can do is what folks have always done through history and this is to stop, impede, frustrate whoever or whatever is infringing on your own if 2 or more do it in concert, we are now technically conspirators :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Well, let's get this straight. Someone from Antartica (for example) wants to know about the United States form of government. Should I give them a copy of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, or a copy of the Washington Post? Neither document will properly inform them of what the hell is going on in Washington, will it?

So the same person wants to know about the United Nations. Do I say, go check out their website? Because reading their website, one could only conclude that they are some pretty good people, out for world peace. Nothing too sinister in that website.

Same with the CFR and the Tri-Lateral Commission websites. They are all just out for our collective common good, right?

And, Global government is an "eventual" thing? What happens to the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and the sovereign United States of America when that "eventual" thing happens, when the collective "they" reach these high and mighty goals for me and you? What happens then? Will we have gun rights then? Or any rights?

To look at these organizations without looking further is much like looking at the headlines of the daily paper and claiming you are up on current events. Even if I read the entire newspaper everyday, would I really know what's actually going on? Or would I only know what that particular media's editor in chief wants me to know? Same holds true for these "Global" organizations doesn't it?

If I wanted to legitimize my corruption (or an illegal act, treason, or usurpation) by somehow making people think that it was, "for the children", wouldn't their attention be focused on the good of my act? If someone wanted to cover up a crime like the attack and incineration of 80 American citizens by simply diverting the public's attention to fabricated lies, why would anyone question them further? If I was president, and had belonged to a secret society (like Skull and Bones) who's members eventually hold powerful positions in government, intelligence, and national security operations, and also belong to all the same "eventual Global government" organizations, who would I truly be loyal too? Would I think it necessary to tell you, the American public or press what happens behind those closed doors? No. But every once in a while I may slip and say something like, "this is the beginning of a New World Order", and you will know why I said it, because of where my loyalties lie.

Let us assume then that all of these "eventual Global government" organizations are in fact legitimate, without any sinister conspiratorial plots. That the same people belong to all of these same organizations not out of conspiratorial motivations, but that of a "good-ol-boy" network of friends. How does our sovereignity as a "free republic", with unalienable Rights, play into their "eventual" goals?

Read the UN charter and you will learn about "Global" disarmament. How would that allow us to keep and bear arms here in America?
I agree with you 100%. Well put.

If you are younger than 20 and not a Liberal, you have no heart.

If you are older than 20 and STILL a Liberal, you have no brain.
I belive that basic physics apply to the human condition.

It takes effort to maintain freedom and individual sovereignty (sp?). Much like hanging onto a rope suspended above a chasm.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." (most likely improperly quoted)

It take no effort to let it go and allow other forces to take over.
"Those who trade freedom for secuity deserve neither." (also most likely improperly quoted)

Wimps and water always seek the lowest spot.

"Down" is a natural condition. How we get there can be difficult, or it can be made easier by other forces.

Conspiracy to assist others to an "easier plane" may be executed with the best intentions but bring about entirely opposite unintended consequences.

This comes about mostly through ignorance about ourselves (humans).

We are dual singularities.

On one hand we understand that struggle, pain, grief, and obstacles make us stronger. Yet on the other hand, we instinctively run from such situations, and desire to see that others do not experience them either. Thus the misdirected efforts.

This would, for me, be the "Natural" path that we seem to be taking, seeking the lowest spot

This does not disregard the fact that there are those among us that seek for power over others. This would, for me, be the "Directed" path that we seem to be taking as well, the other forces making the path down easier.

I'm very distracted as I write this, so if it comes off as half-baked... well, it is...



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited October 28, 1999).]
Paul Revere,
I didn't say that globalist organizations shouldn't be watched or followed, what I said is that there isn't a conspiracy bringing this about. Does this mean we shouldn't be alarmed by their goals, no, it just means that there goals are not coming about through a conspiracy.

I also have to say that you are way off base with the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.

I will provide the answer to my above questions and you will understand why.

The main think tank on Globalist policy is THE FEDERALIST TRUST FOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH and it is located in London.

Many of the European Union's leading politicians come from the Federalist Trust. The Federalists who have stated that their goal is for eventual world government latched onto the European Union as a means to unite a smaller federation on the road to its more distant goal of world federation. They have already mapped out how the EU once it becomes politically cohesive can act as the cornerstone for uniting the world. This think tank writes a good deal of Union policy and much of the Union's policy is based on that of world institutions.

European federalist i.e. globalists are far more organized than US globalists and they are moving ahead with their goals as part of a European Movement that doesnt include the US except how we will fit into their globalist agenda.

The Federalist which is their official journal is published in Pavda Italy.

It was the European Union that proposed to the Gatt (before it became the WTO) that it have a one world currency to underpin the GATT system.

My point in relaying this is to say that American's are pretty ignorant to the movement in Europe and how it can possibly effect our future. The Economist magazine published an article saying that the US was more likely to be knocked off the totem pole by the European Union. It mapped out how if the Union achieved its goals it would end up casting more votes in the UN and that the headquarters of the world institutions would move from Washington to Brussels.

None of what I have just written is conspiracy. None of it includes the trilateral commission, or the CFR which is just proof of the lack of research.

I do want to say that the best information on this matter is derived from European publications and although the Federalist Trust is now on the internet the ideology is written in its books and reports that must be obtained from the Trust. There is a link on the site to JEF which is the French term for Young European Federalists and they have links which go into the ideology. They even have drawn up a Federalist Constitution for Europe.

Off of the JEF website I took out this quote:

A World Federation is the ultimate goal of all federalists. The principle of solidarity should not be limited to Europe but should also be extended to global relations in order to overcome the great disparities between North and South. A strengthened structure for the United Nations organisation is the only
way to increase its role in the world integration process. JEF therefore feels part of the world federalist movement.

I also want to add that the European Movement is pushing for the revamping of the UN more aggressively than American globalists which are not as organized or as structured as European federalists.
I wandered into this discussion more out of curiosity than anything else, and find myself agreeing with DC.

But from what I've read so far, I think some of you may find this link interesting:

This is the summary of what's contained on the page (far too long to reproduce here):

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>A CONSTITUTION FOR THE FEDERATION OF EARTH

29th October 1999
As Amended At The World Constituent Assembly In Troia, Portugal 1991. Now being circulated worldwide for ratification by the nations and people of earth.
Quote from Benjamin Franklin at the close of the U.S. Constitutional Convention in 1787

Distribution for ratification under the direction of the World Constitution and Parliament Association and the Global Ratification and Elections Network (
World Constitution and Parliament Association
8800 West 14th Ave.
Lakewood, Colorado 80215
Phone 303-233-3548
Fax 303-237-7685
Online contact!

Get the Constitution in its entirety (152K)




* Article 1 - Broad Functions of the World Government
* Article 2 - Basic Structure of World Federation and World Government
* Article 3 - Organs of the World Government
* Article 4 - Grant of Specific Powers to the World Government
* Article 5 - The World Parliament
* Sec. A - Functions and Powers of the World Parliament
* Sec. B - Composition of the World Parliament
* Sec. C - The House of Peoples
* Sec. D - The House of Nations
* Sec. E - The House of Counsellors
* Sec. F - Procedures of the World Parliament

* Article 6 - The World Executive
* Sec. A - Functions and Powers of the World Executive
* Sec. B - Composition of the World Executive
* Sec. C - The Presidium
* Sec. D - The Executive Cabinet
* Sec. E - Procedures of the World Executive
* Sec. F - Limitations on the World Executive

* Article 7 - The World Administration
* Sec. A - Functions of the World Administration
* Sec. B - Structure and Procedures of the World Administration
* Sec. B-5 and 6: Secretary General of the Administration

* Sec. C - Departments of the World Adminstration

* Article 8 - The Integrative Complex
* Sec. A - Definition
* Sec. B - The World Civil Service Administration
* Sec. C - The World Boundaries and Elections Administration
* Sec. D - Institute on Governmental Procedures and World Problems
* Sec. E - The Agency for Research and Planning
* Sec. F - The Agency for Technological and Environmental Assessment
* Sec. G - The World Financial Administration
* Sec. H - Commission for Legislative Review

* Article 9 - The World Judiciary
* Sec. A - Jurisdiction of the World Supreme Court
* Sec. B - Benches of the World Supreme Court
* Sec. C - Seats of the World Supreme Court
* Sec. D - The Collegium of World Judges
* Sec. E - The Superior Tribunal of the World Supreme Court

* Article 10 - The Enforcement System
* Sec. A - Basic Principles
* Sec. B - The Structure for Enforcement
* Sec. C - The World Police
* Sec. D - The Means of Enforcement

* Article 11 - The World Ombudsmus
* Sec. A - Functions and Powers of the World Ombudsmus
* Sec. B - Composition of the World Ombudsmus

* Article 12 - Bill of Rights for the Citizens of Earth
* Article 13 - Directive Principles for the World Government
* Article 14 - Safeguards and Reservations
* Article 15 - World Federal Zones and the World Capitals
* Article 16 - World Territories and Exterior Relations
* Article 17 - Ratification and Implementation
* Sec. A - Ratification of the World Constitution
* Sec. B - Stages of Implementation
* Sec. C - First Operative Stage of World Government
* Sec. D - Second Operative Stage of World Government
* Sec. E - Full Operative Stage of World Government
* Sec. F - Costs of Ratification

* Article 18 - Amendments
* Article 19 - Provisional World Government
* Sec. A - Actions to be Taken by the World Constituent Assembly
* Sec. B - Work of the Preparatory Commissions
* Sec. C - Composition of the Provisional World Parliament
* Sec. D - Formation of the Provisional World Executive
* Sec. E - First Actions of the Provisional World Government[/quote]

Apparently, one of our silly politicians in Queensland has already signed this to indicate his agreement.

And no, you won't be allowed to have guns.

I was going to post that address alos OZ thank for much more info than I had.

From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt, to those of Marx, to those of Trotsky... this worldwidde conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution fo society on the basis of arrested development and envious malevolence, and impossible equality has been steadily growing. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th cen; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire

Winston Chruchill Feb 8 1920 Sunday Illustrated Herald.

Hear me, O God, as I voice my complain; protect my life from the threat of the enemy. Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked.... They encourage each other in evil plans, they talk about hiding their snares; they say, "Who will see them?" They plot injustice and say, "We have devised a perfect plan!" Surely the mind and heart of man are cunning.
Psalm 64:1-2a,5-6

"Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits on many waters. With her the kings of the earth committed adultery and the imhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries. Rev 17

Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.
The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON

Do you really think that we want those laws to be observed? We want them broken. We're after power and we mean it. There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breakings laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted-and you create a nation of law breakers--and then you cash in on guilt.


[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited October 29, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited October 29, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited October 29, 1999).]
There is a group of Federalists in the US with their main branch being in Washington DC. They are not as sophisticated or organized as European Federalists but that looks like the sort of stuff that they publish. I read a report a while back of their plans to revamp the UN. The US federalists speak more of the direct ideal of federalizing the globe while the Europeans right now are focused on the European Union as an example of a regional federation which could set the precedent for the world.

In looking at the issue of global disarmament many have overlooked the Union's contribution. Here is a link that details the EU's input to the UN on this issue.
This post will no doubt raise the hackles of some and brand me as a close-minded fundamentalist Christian. If that is the case,so be it. Before we get to far into to this, I do my best to live by the imperative that the Holy Scriptures clearly spell out in the words "Judge not lest ye be judged".

I believe that there is a conspiracy to form a global federation AND that we are evolving to a socialist society.

Why a world system? One word explains it: greed. There are those in the world who despise the fact that there is still one nation that offers the common man a chance to be as productive as his initiative allows. There are those power and capital brokers who love the idea of being able to make the rules up as they go along. A one-world system enables a few to have complete control.

We are evolving into a socialist from of government. Liberty demands moral restraint and responsibility. Restraint and responsibility are two foreign concepts in America. If we were not in moral decay, Bill Clinton would have been hung out to dry. Instead, he used the shortcomings of key members of congress to ensure that he could get away with a felony. Those who could have done something to stop this travesty of justice, had hidden things in their lives that Clinton knew about through the FBI files that were unlawfully plundered. Socialism is tailor-made for a society that does not want to be accountable to man or to God for personal actions.

To sum it up a one-world system is coming on the scene to from a socialist government since we have ascribed to the axiom: "live and let live". Stop and think about it: do you really think God will continue to propser a country in wealth and personal freedom when that nation has murdered 38 million children in the name of choice?" Come on now------who's kiding who here. Hang on to your seat. Unless there is a radical change in the U.S., the worst is yet to come.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
I am also a fundamentalist Christian and Biblical Prophecy will not come about via a conspiracy but through the geo-policial system of the end times. Show me where in the Scriptures where will be a conspiracy? As I stated before Conspiracy theories result because of lack of research.

From my research there is evidence that we are heading in that direction.

What you are saying is also diametrically opposed to what the Scriptures teach. They teach that the man of sin i.e. Antichrist comes in as a man of peace and decieves the nations. The only conspiracy exists in his heart and soul because he uses the geo-politcal system to accomplish his aims. There are no other conspirators along with him. He is in a federation with ten kings or ten leaders. This federation gives platform to his dictatorship. The Scriptures here provide details of his political infrastructure.

What have I said is not out of line with Scripture but in line with it, if you read the book of Daniel you will see that the final world power is a revived form of the old Roman Empire.

Concerning the conspiracy theories you are in the right church but the wrong pew and by following the Trilateral Commission and the CFR you are missing the real happenings in the Globalist i.e. federalist movment.
Let's assume, for a moment, that all of these organizations are really out for the collective good of the world (planet). Let's say that they really care about people, their lives, their rights, their health, etc.

WELL! The road to hell is paved with good intentions!

Seems to me that a global governing authority would make decisions globally, regardless of how it might affect your life. That is the danger of global authority. You become even less meaningfull, your needs are even more trivialized and all in the interests of a global decision. Nationalizm must become a dirty word (this is already being done by our media) and your needs must be subjugated for the greater good of the world (planet).

Look, basically, global government is not good for Americans because we have it pritty good already. Why should we allow ourselves to be ruled by a global interest instead of an American interest? What they (globalists) want is to control your life. To make you live your life as they see fit. And then by what criteria are they going to make laws? How are they going to enforce them? Do they want to control your use of energy (fossil fuels), do they want to control human growth, do they want to tell you what or what not to plant, where or where you may not go, etc, etc?

You see, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"!

We are on the same page. The word conspiracy is a matter of semantics. Instead, let me say that there is a movement afoot to form a World Government and I believe that the anti-christ will play upon the greed of world power brokers to fullfil the conspiracy or evil plan in his heart. Certainly, it should come as no surprise that Europe would love to dominate the U.S. in terms of political power and economic might. The deceiver will take advantage of this as the ten kings are assembled to form an unholy alliance.Bear in mind, that all of this will transpire because God allows it to. In the end the demise of the anti-christ will once again prove that God Almighty is sovereign and in control. Consider Strobe Talbot's recent claim that in one hundred years the concept of sovereign nations will be antiquated. Do I think Mr. Talbot is a conspirator? No. Do I think he's misguided? Indeed I do. Donna, I think you will agree that the reason for crime and strife in America started in the Garden of Eden and it is not because of inanimate objects like guns. Because of the fact that sin is ravaging our nation, we will continue to lose our freedoms. Again, conspiracy was a misnomer on my part. Quite simply God has ordained a time in this world when a one world leader will come on the scene and appear to have peaceful intentions and a ten nation union will be formed. Before it is all said and done, he will reap havoc and destruction on this earth as no man has ever seen before. It will happen per Gods timing and not beacuse of some commision or secret society. Why do I believe this? Because it is written in His Word."In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1. I especially enjoy reading 2nd Peter Champter 3 regarding the times that lie ahead. The key is to be ready and you will win no matter what may happen

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
We are on the same page, another alarming FACT about the Union is that its institutional structure is entirely undemocratic. Tony Benn a former EU parliamentarian said that if the Union applied to join itself it would be turned down on the grounds that it was undemocratic.

The Commission which runs the Union is non-elected and it holds the preeminent power balance. The two leading institutions are the Commission which appoints a president and the Council of Ministers or heads of each member nation. It is my belief that this is the federation that the Scriptures talk about. The Commission president is basically the guy who calls the shots and leads the Union and he meets with the Council of Ministers. The President can sign treaties etc. Revelation tells us that these have one mind and that the Kings give their power unto the Beast. The Commission wouldn't have its power without the Council or member nations that relenquish their sovereignty to the Commission. These two entities act in one accord.

It is common knowledge in Europe that the Commission and the Council meet in secret. Because of this many have called for more democracy within the Union's institutional structure and more transparency of these meetings. It is public knowledge that the Union has a democratic deficit and this is to be addressed when they get together to work out the details of the Next treaty which will be right after the millenium. Also, the purpose of this next treaty is to aim to make the Union a full fledged political power.

With the Union being a small version of a global federation if the wrong individual gets in power he can absolutely abuse that power. We know this will happen because the Bible tells us, but even someone who doesnt believe in the Scriptures should be alarmed at the ambitions of EU politicians.

The Europeans have openly voiced their desire to be on an equal footing with the US and they have made it clear that they hope to reclaim some of the limelight that they held back in their history.

The Common Currency wasn't just about economics, it was done as a political move to bring about the Union's political Union and give the Union greater clout in the world.

Margaret Thatcher speaks out on a regular basis about the Union and while she was in office she did her best to vote against many things they were proposing.

Pat Buchanan has spoken out against the Union and he has called it for what it is as well as William F. Buckley's National Review. But for the most part the American media has mostly ignored the Union and written it off as just an economic grouping.