Sound suppressors, advantages/disadvantages?


New member
I was wondering what advantages and disdvantages sound suppressors provide for the average shooter. Among the obvious reduction of muzzle report and blast, is there any other desireable functions that the sound suppressor provides?

I can imagine the disadvantages could be the cost and the time/paperwork required in order to obtain one.

Someone once told me that at extended ranges (200-300+?) accuracy tends to be affected due to how a sound suppressor reduces the velocity of the round, how true that is, I cannot say since I'm not that savy, yet, when it comes to understanding different bullet weights, velocity of rounds and powders (Still learning).

At any rate, just hoping someone can enlighten me a little.
Logistically, it can make the rifle longer (obviously you can have a removable one... but I'm talking about when it's on and you're shooting it) which may make a difference if you're in a tight area.
A modern suppressor won't affect accuracy in any way other than velocity, most modern suppressors actually increase velocity a little bit, like 30 fps. I shoot suppressed at very long distances and haven't noticed any difference.

The only disadvantages I can think of, is

A) It adds weight to the front of the gun, the m4-2000 weighs like 20oz

B) It adds length to the gun.

Personally, I'm a big fan of suppressors, the weight doesn't bother me much, but the length length can be an issue. They make a 10 inch barrel like a 16 inch, a 16 inch like a 22 inch. I think that the trade off is worth it in most circumstances. I really like the shorter suppressors for my ar-15s and other guns that are designed for "up close".
In additional to extra weight and length, there are reliability issues. A suppressor that is poorly matched to your firearm can possibly make it less reliable. Then there's additional cleaning, maintenance, and impossibility of obtaining parts to fix it yourself. Also, you have to be careful to use the right ammo for it to be effective.

Suppressors are cool. I would like to have one really good one dedicated to a specific pistol.....but one would be enough for me.
Silencers add length weight, cost and bulk. On gas operated guns they can increase blow back through the chamber and into the shooter's face. If improperly mounted they degrade accuracy and can damage the firearm. I have yet to see any improvement in accuracy using mine and the largest velocity increase I have seen is 4 fps on my 22lr.

I make silencers as a hobby and think the noise and recoil reduction are well worth it.


1. Reduced noise
2. Reduced recoil
3. More fun to shoot (in my opinion)
4. a good suppressor has all the benefits of a decent muzzle break and flash suppressor in addition to the effects on sound.


1. Long wait time
2. longer and slightly heavier gun
3. Cost
4. they can make semiautomatics less reliable in some cases. In my opinion a suppressor is much better served with a bolt action or single shot host.
5. They tend to be more dirty than shooting with out one.

I think every one should try one at least once.
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The primary advantage and 90% of the reason I want one is that they make shooting a centerfire deer cartridge like the 7-08 out of a carbine sized gun VERY kid friendly.
When you are waiting for your suppressor save up $300 and get an Adams Arms piston kit:D. All reliability issues solved;). Less cleaning than normal. I have yet to personally see a suppressor ruin a gun. Before you shoot it, just make sure that the suppressor is square with the bore.
my suppressed marlin sbl 45/70 is real quiet with sub sonic ammo and sounds like a 22 lr with supersonic ammo. It also has much less recoil than my guide gun (also 45/70) and the guide gun has a ported barrel and is much louder. Even at night there is no flash.

With my subsonic load I still have about 1000 foot pounds at 150 yards
They are the most fun you can have with your clothes on:D

They make shooting so much more enjoyable its laughable that people steer from them because of the tax stamp and wait. You gotta pay to play and patience is a virtue. Yup that covers it.;)