The Rock

New member
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Having just read the thread about gross inaccuracies in the media, The Rock thinks back to when he was asked to do an interview about the baseball strike. Even then, 4 years ago, my first response was "$#^% no". The reporter then asked me, "What, you don't like the media?"
My response, "What gave you that clue?". Moron.
Our local paper the virginia-pilot/ledger-star is a liberal rag that wouldn't know honest reporting if it bit them in their rooty-poo,liberal candy ass.
Sometimes I think we should adopt "reasonable restrictions" on the media, to stop this horrific trend of lies, grandstanding and libel show by our mass media. I'm think $200 dollar tax on any word demed "fully-automactic" or "short-barreled", that the media uses....

Maybe we should just ban idiots. That would solve the mass media problem nicely.

The Rock
The Rock says, "Know your role, and SHUT your mouth!"
Well, Rock, I don't think we'll ever get rid of the idiots ... after all, most of them are up for government pensions ... ;)

But, your 'reasonable restrictions' on the 1st Amendment certainly make sense. I mean, most Americans support 'reasonable restrictions', right? And, as we all know, the pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

Your ideas are great, but we should also license writers. What responsible, honest writer could possibly object? And, not everyone needs a computer - they can be used to incite people to violence, and if only one life can be saved, well then we need to restrict who can write and what they can write about.

Tomorrow we can discuss whether free speech means for you and me, or whether it was really a collective right for responsible businesses, like the media. ;)
I feel that attempting to keep your identity secret while being allowed to write newpaper columns should be outlawed. If a reporter has a legitimate need to do that, then there should be a permit system put into law. We will call it the CPP, Concealed Pundit Permit. Dear Abby, you are hereby put on notice.

I also see no reason why any reporter needs to write any regular columns. But so as to allow them their rights, we should limit, by law, their columns to no more than one per month.

Certainly no sane and right thinking columnist can disagree with these laws. After all, it's for the children. Children, to them, are all the lesser citizens who aren't in the media and who must be cared for as they have no intelligence to speak of.