Thanks for the link - interesting. How is this any different than some "yaahoo" at a reenactment who isn't bright enough to aim over the heads of the "attacking foe"? Not trying to get something started here . . . . safety is always #1 . . . but . . . . seems like some folks are just waaaaaaay toooooo sensitiiiiiiive . . .
And please don't "hang me out to dry" for that comment . . . I'll take care of my own "punishment" . . . . . . . .
I've seen the Howdah ads for awhile now and although a 10 on the cool factor
Just never had a real desire for one. Now that I've viewed the provided link
(thanks) I've changed my mind. Gotta have one !!!
When I first saw the Howdah double barrel I thought it was named for some sort of sarcastic reason such as if a burglar were coming into your house and you pointed the thing at him and said: "Howdy Mistuh".