Sorry if this is a repost, Terrorism, FEMA,BATF


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From Mondays World Net Daily Editorial
The FBI and other U.S. government police
agencies are stepping up the warnings against
"domestic terrorism" surrounding Y2K -- now just a little more than two weeks away.

I have a feeling that if anything goes wrong on Jan. 1, the government has a ready-made
scapegoat in these "domestic terrorists" -- militias, religious groups, preparedness activists and justabout anyone else who doesn't put their faith in Washington.

The government-media propaganda machine is
laying it on pretty thick, with Saturday's
front-page Los Angeles Times screamer just the latest example.

But today I want to bring your attention to a
little-noticed development over at the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Oh, I know, only Fox Mulder and paranoid anti-government conspiracy theorists ever give FEMA a second notice. Nevertheless, I do not let the New York Times and the Washington Post set my editorial agenda or do my thinking for me. In fact, when the government-media complex discourages you
from looking at a particular agency, there's
probably a pretty good reason for it.

Anyway, last week FEMA announced that John
W. Magaw would be joining the agency
management team. That name may not ring a bell for most people, but his appointment is a bit of a surprise, given the job he is leaving.

Magaw currently serves as director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. That's a pretty big job he's leaving. And guess what he's going to do at FEMA? You got it. He will plan and coordinate FEMA's domestic terrorism efforts.

Magaw, by the way, is an anti-Second
Amendment zealot. Readers of this column may
recall his name from his most famous and liberal interpretation of the "Gun Free Zones Act." Back in October of 1997, I wrote about how Magaw found the new law banning guns from within 1,000 feet of a school, whether in a home or in a car, to include home schools. Thus, home-schooling parents would be deprived of their constitutional rights as would all other gun owners who would have no way of knowing which homes are used for home-schooling.

Do you get it? Due to the complete failure of
government schools in this country, more and
more parents are choosing to home-school their kids. States have discouraged it. Washington certainly has. But here's an innovative new twist dreamed up by the idiots in Congress and a visionary madman in the Clinton administration.

It's difficult today -- if not impossible -- to find a neighborhood anywhere in America where someone is not home-schooling. Do you see the sheer genius of Magaw's idea from the point of view of a government gun-grabber? It's difficult enough knowing when you are traveling within 1,000 feet of a traditional school -- government or private. But how on earth is one supposed to know if and when you are driving past a home school? There are no flagpoles, no crossing guards and no playgrounds. Home schools look just like
any other home.

And who came up with this ingenious
interpretation of a bad law? John Magaw. Isn't this the guy you want in charge of domestic terrorism? He obviously believes that all law-abiding gun owners are really potential domestic terrorists who need to be disarmed for the safety of our communities.

Magaw is a Clinton favorite all the way. Before taking over leadership of BATF, he served as director of Clinton's Secret Service. Imagine the secrets the head of the Secret Service under Clinton must learn. It boggles the mind. When you see a guy like that get promoted, you know it's a payoff for loyalty -- for keeping his mouth shut.

FEMA is a virtual dumping grounds for Clinton's trusted inner circle of federal cops. And that's what makes it a genuinely scary agency -- not the "X-Files" warnings of Fox Mulder.

If I didn't know better, I'd say that Washington -- and particularly the Clinton administration -- is doing everything in its power to ensure that those of us already cynical about the intentions of government get a message. And the message I
hear is: We're coming after you, and we are using any means necessary to subdue you and suppress your radical ideas about freedom.
Correct me if Im wrong but Isn't it in F.E.M.A.'s charter that in times of national emergency that they can suspend the Constitution for 6 months and congress cannot do anything about it? I remember reading something along those lines when that gestapo organization was created.


From my cold dead hands.