Sorry but I've gotta vent somewhere


New member
A governor exposes himself to an employee and demands oral sex. She doesn't approve of his advances. She files a suit over it. The former governor agrees to settle. Her legal bills are three times what she recovers.He refuses to apologise. That same former governor goes on to become president. He engages in sex with an employee. He denies it happened. Later it is proved it did happen and he lied about it. She also denied it happened, but later admits she did take part in it. Now she is questioned by the presidents lawyers over what happened. They apologise to her. What a worm. Sorry for the vent, but this just PO's me to no end.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
You're not alone. I feel the same way. What really burns me is that if "Slick" had even the faintest notion of honor, he would have resigned long ago and save us taxpayers a bundle. Instead he has embarassed our nation and shown himself for the self serving trash he really is.
I just wish they would get this whole soory mess over with, what brothers me the most is these polls that the media come up with about removing "the ____ waver" from office.
If the American people don't think he did anything wrong then the goverment should reverse all convictions for perjury!!!
Just think of what the future generations will think about all this.

Justice for one,Justice for all.