Sore cheek


New member
I shot my new Remington 870 HD today. Now my right cheek hurts like hell. Is there someway to keep my cheek from getting beat to death when I shoot the shotgun? Thanks
Work on your mount. You may be bringing your
face down to the stock instead of bringing the shotgun up to eye level and shouldering the weapon from that position. It will seem strange because often the entire butt is not mated with your shoulder. It will in some cases result in only the lower half of the butt mating with your shoulder. This will not result in increased bruising.

Make sure what contacts your shoulder is placed snugly against your shoulder. Do not try to counter the recoil by "pushing" forward with your hands at the moment of firing.

Take an aggressive stance and lean forward slightly putting more weight on your forward leg which is slightly bent at the knee.
Breuls has it. Soreness like that is from form problems. But take it by stages. Start with the lightest loads you have and work up.
If you can, add some weight to your shotgun and really break that front knee and lean into it.Make sure you cheek the stock and keep the butt tight to your shoulder.
The problem could also be gunfit. If the stock is too short, too long or has improper cast or drop it may be forcing you to shoulder the gun improperly.

It is expensive, but taking the gun to a knowledgeable gunfitter may be the answer. Everybody is built differently and guns rarely fit properly out of the box. A good gunfitter will check your stance and will watch you shoot the gun. This is the proper way to go about learning how to shoot.

I spent three years, and untold dollars missing targets before I saw the light and had my gunfit checked. The fitting session cost me $150 but solved many of the problems I was having. In my case the only adjustment was stock bending that cost less than $100.
Once you know your measurements you can have any gun altered to the same measurements.

My $.02 again

Geoff Ross
You can handle a stock too short much easier than a stock that is too long. I shortened the "pull" of my shotgun to 13" to acommodate heavy jacket and kevlar vest. It is still comfortable when only wearing a t-shirt.
I realize I will get flames for saying this, but I use a varmint hunting grip when I shoot heavy loads. The problem I have is my thumb whacks me in the cheek or my nose. So I lay my thumb own with my trigger finger to get it out of the way. I ended up breaking MORE targets with no thumb/stock concussion whatsoever! And I felt zero loss of control either. It was just as solid.

On the accessory side, there are stick-on combs made from Sorbothane and other syntethic rubber compounds that are designed to ease this discomfort. You can buy them in a variety of thicknesses to suit your individual stance and sights.
Thanks a lot. Bruels, your right. I do bring my face down to the stock. That may just be the problem. I"ll see if it makes a difference when I go to the range later next week. Once again, thanks a lot.
09 dont try it with braces on ;)

I bury whole buttsock in shoulder and feels fine for me but remember sore cheek from other shotguns. Good luck