Son harvests first buck with muzzleloader


New member
I was sitting on opening morning in the 20 degree cold when I heard what sounded like 20 deer coming thru the woods. In fact it was a large doe pursued by her lover boy buck. They turned just before they got to me but they went past my 13 year old son who harvested his first buck that morning.
I heard a huge BOOOOOMMMMMMM and then silence. Then a resounding ALLRIGHT.

I walked over and he was busy stuffing a second load down his .50 Renegade. It wasn't needed though. 90 grains of Select Pyrodex under a T/C breakaway sabot holding a 200 grain .429 Hornady XTP hollowpoint was more than enough to do the job. This formula has been the ticket to harvest more than a dozen deer for me over the last 20 years and it feels great passing the rifle and load down to my son. I asked him what he shot and look on face and his response was worth $1,000,000.00 to me. He said "Dad he's a monster, the buck I been praying for!!"

I sat that same stand this AM and saw 15 deer before 12:00 AM. Three were bucks but none over four points. One of the most exciting mornings in a long time. Rut underway, full moon and a front coming thru tomorrow.

Oh yeah I saw a snow white albino doe this afternoon as well.
They are more rare than albinos. I was at a taxidermy shop the other day and he is doing a full mount on a blond or yellow deer. Not white but golden color and white. VERY rare.
First Buck

Outstanding job for both you and your son!!! Things like this is what keeps us going no matter what our lives bring us. Been hunting with my boy for going on 7 years now and it took till his fourth year to take his first. It was a nice 4 pointer I know your feelings well when I saw the look on his face. It was in Northern Maine on a rainy windy afternoon. No deer yet this year but he did take a big coyote in Maine and he was just as excited as he was with the deer!! It will make a nice pelt for his room. We still have another two weeks left for Muzzleloader here in Mass and we are onto some deer but haven't been able to connect but hopefully with paitence and luck we will!
Tell your son great job and welcome to the CLUB!!!!
Mike and Mike!!