Something to ponder


New member
We have all heard of Montana new law regarding firearms made and kept in montana. and others that followed and others that will follow (As in Wyoming in Fed).

I was wondering how this would float with the federal government. MY son got me to thinking about it after he finished his recient Fed LE School. He said the instructors warned about enforcing certain gun laws in states where that firearm was made, IE if the gun came from Mass, and was made and purchased there, then it dosnt fall under many federal gun laws. I didnt research it, as I have no plans on dealing with guns in Mass, but wondered how it would effect the Montana law.

Then Last night I was re-reading HR 218 and notice this clause:

d) may carry a concealed firearm that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, subject to subsection (b).

Now I'm no lawyer but to me, the feds realize they can only regulater firearms that cross state lines. Whick would tell me that the Montana law would stand furture court cases.

Maybe one of you lawyers migth chime in and explain this to me.