Something to contemplate.....


New member
If I had a lot of money I would take this one to court...Quoted from:

ATF has made the decision that a handgun (but not a machine gun,
since a machine gun is not also an AOW) with more than one hand
grip at an angle tot eh bore is an AOW. This is based on the gun
a) being concealable on the person, and b) not meeting the
definition of a "pistol" in the regulations promulgated under the
NFA, since they say a pistol has a single grip at an angle to the
bore. However, at least one federal magistrate has decided that if
the grip is added later, the gun is not "originally designed" to be
fired by holding in more than one grip, and thus putting a second
grip on a pistol does not make it an AOW
. ATF does not regard the
decision as binding. The case is U.S. v. Davis, Crim No. 8:93-106
(D.S.C. 1993) (Report of Magistrate, June 21, 1993). The
prosecution was dismissed at the request of the Government before
any review of that determination by the trial judge.
What would a trial like that cost?
I wouldn’t want to be the one to fight that, but would be happy if it were overturned.

It’s scary to think that it is hypothetically possible for a dirty ATF agent to walk into a situation with a cheep little plastic vert-grip in his pocket, snap it onto the rail on some potentially innocent suspect’s pistol, say “well, look what we found here,” and they’d be spending the next ten years in club Fed. With something that easy to do, and un-do it would be your word against the ATF’s.

It’s crazy that snapping a part onto the outside of a pistol is a serious felony.