Something that was said in another thread inspired me to start this thread

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New member
My unit is deploying in a month. We have had several briefings recently about the deployment and all of the talking heads seem to be ignoring the elephant in the room; that elephant being that our brigade is currently at about 70% strength. At one of our most recent briefings our Brigade Commander jokingly made a comment about how we are at 90% strength and so he wanted those in the brigade who injured or ill to get better so that we can be at the required 95% needed to deploy and do our job..I have seldom heard so many snickers going as I did at his comment. You see, it's common knowledge among the soldiers that we are seriously under strength..and most realized that he was lying through his teeth.

Things like this leave a very bad taste in my mouth regarding the military. It makes it hard to sell the military as a career and a way of life when you see things like that.
Government jobs are rife with this type of attitude and self deception. Deal with it all the time. Wait until they redefine your structure to show how you can easily do your job with the reduced amount of personell, then eliminate all empty positions, to show you "fully staffed". Been there, done that.
I do not believe I have ever been in a full strength TO&E unit that was designated "Combat Ready". Always short on equipment and personnel but we did the job anyway.
Interesting observation, Danzig. Not really related to Legal or Political issues, nor is it gun related so I'm gonna have to shut it down.

You keep yourself alive over there. :)

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