something inside barrel

old fart

New member
i just bought a new pardner pump protector yesterday, while i was cleaning it i noticed something in the barrel about half way down. its about an inch long and goes completely around inside of the barrel where its at. i've used solvent and brush and left it over night and its still there. its not rust as when i dried the barrel it can be seen easily holding it to a light. its a thin film whatever it is almost like dried glue as it is just rough clear like, when pushing the cleaning patch thru it feels rough at the spot. just wondered if anyone else has ever had this problem?, gonna shoot it and see how it does. thanks
Protect yourself and "DON"T SHOOT IT"

I'm suspecting a barrel ring but you say that it is a new gun. I'd suggest not shooting it until you determine exactly what it is. I say this because whomever you bought it from, is likely to say that "you" caused the damage. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
i was told that it my be dried preservative from the factory, where it was fired and the grease seized to the metal. sounds like that might be it, as its thin and rough, and brushing has removed some. i was told boiling water might work, but to really not worry as shooting it will get rid of it sooner or later. thanks
Shooting it, before you get it cleaned out - is not smart in my view.

There is no reason why you can't get it to dissolve if its any kind of a preservative...and/or get it out with a decent bore brush / or a bore snake.
Agree with not shooting it till ring is removed.

i was told that it my be dried preservative from the factory, where it was fired and the grease seized to the metal

If that is the case and you cannot remove it with normal gun cleaning products and a brush, wrap a rag around a worn brush and run in down just past the ring, spray carburetor cleaner down the bore. Enough to soak the rag. Pull the brush/rag back so it covers the ring and let soak for 10-15mins. Spray some more cleaner down bore and scrub.
This should remove the ring if it's some kind of dried lube/preservative.

Just don't get the cleaner on any wood or plastic. Also make sure and lube bbl well when done.
Whenever using any kind of chemical, it's always best to try it in an unconspicuous place first.
Like in a small spot that won't be noticeable if there's any damage.
There's so many finishes on guns, these days, there's really no telling for sure, without a test.
Break-Cleaner and Tornado

will carb cleaner harm the blueing?
You would probably be okay with using it but rather than take a chance, I'd step down to Brake-Cleaner. Also would suggest the small test area that g.willikers , suggests. .... ;)

Whenever I run into dirty areas like this. I break out my Tornados. Soak the bad areas with Hoppes #9, over time and then let the Tornado do it's thing .... :)

Good Luck and;
Be Safe !!!
will carb cleaner harm the blueing?

Go to Walmart and get a couple of cans of their store brand "Tech" carb cleaner (less than 2 bucks a can).

It will absolutely NOT harm bluing, but, it WILL affect some stock finishes and certain plastics, so either remove those parts or cover them to avoid splashover. Generally it doesn't affect things like polypropylene or polymers at all.

It's a super degreaser, too.
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